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Hey guys, this chapter will be a little long, sorry.


Elizabeth's POV(HA! Bet you didn't see that comin!)

We had finally arrived. Garrett's house was relatively big, compared to Aidan and I's. Aidan lived in a small duplex with 3 rooms and 1 bathroom. The place is usually trashed due to Chastity being at work most of the time and Aidan, Nadia, and Cj being there 24/7.

My house has 4 rooms and 5 if you include my dads office. I have 2 bathrooms but our top floor's bathroom is kind of gross so we don't use it much.

Anyway, Garrett's house was relatively big. Three floors and a balcony on each floor. The house was a crimson tint, with tan drywall rims. I spotted a few cars parked nearby, I assumed they belonged to this residence.

I stood a ways behind Aidan, staring in shock at Garrett's house. I had seen pictures, and he had given me tours over video chat, but I just didn't realize it was so big.

Alright, so I said relatively, let's just say his house is bigger than the average house.

I hadn't been paying much attention to what the two boys I front of me spoke about, until I heard Aidan calling my name.

"Elizabeth. Elizabeth.
Elizabeth. PizzaBeth. Lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzab-"
"What?!" I snapped at him, snapping back to reality as well.
"Are you coming?" He asked bobbing his head at the house behind him.


Awkwardly I fumbled into Garrett's house, if you can call it that.
"Big- I mean nice place you got here..." I slurred as my feet reached his footstep.

Aidan stepped aside to finally let me get a peek of Garrett.

His tall figure stood over me. His fluffy burnt orange hair brushed over his face. He was spotted with acne but it was barely noticeable.

"Go away." Garrett said probably jokingly.

"Sure thing." I replied and turned around. My retreat was interrupted by Aidan pulling me into Garrett's house by my shoulder.

"Bad senpai!" I yelped wiggling my fingers. Aidan's hands snapped into place guarding his torso. "No tickling I'll stop I'm so sorry please don't tickle." I snickered with an evil tone of voice. "That's creepy stop." Aidan said while scratching the back of his head with a blush.

"Why are your cheeks red?" I asked him peering closer at his face. "It's hot. It's Arizona idiot."

"Oh yeah." I replied with a sheepish grin. "Or could it be that..." I paused for dramatic effect. Too long of a pause I'd say. "You're deeply in love with me?!" I whispered mockingly to him. "Eww, get off fag." I chuckled as my hands found their way to his torso.

"No please don't do this you don't have to do this please."

"Fine." My eyes trailed off as the words barely came out of my mouth.

"Hey Gargar!" I cheered.

"Yes hello this is Garrett." Garrett replied almost instantly.

"Yes hello this is Elizabeth."
"Yes hello this is Garrett."
"Yes hello this is Elizarrett."
Garrett placed a hand over his face while mumbling some gibberish.

"Oh! That's right, Aidan come with me." Garrett commanded waving his hand to his left.

"K. See you in a bit Pizza. Don't touch anything." Aidan told me.

"Can I still touch you oni-chan?" I asked innocently peering up at him with a finger to my chin.

"Kill yourself." Aidan yelled as he followed Garrett into a dark hallway.

"I'll try!" I bellowed to him. Well. Time to look around I guess.


When will it end? (Garrett x Aidan)Where stories live. Discover now