Angel Xiao Long-Black

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Mercury was always a light sleeper. Even as a child, before his father began 'training' him in the ways of the assassin, it never took much to wake the grey-haired boy from his slumber. As he grew older, this became a blessing and a curse, depending on the context of the situation. When he was 15, he'd nearly gotten his throat slit by a street thug while he was sleeping. Give you three guesses how that situation ended. Then years later after being recruited by Cinder, he had to deal with Emerald constantly preventing him from catching extra z's, especially during their undercover time at Beacon Academy.

However, never once did Mercury ever imagine one day being rudely awoken by a four-year-old girl with an uncanny resemblance to himself.

"Daddy, wake up!" The child whisper-shouted from where she was seated on the former assassin's back, furiously shaking his shoulder with an excited smile on her face. "Wake up wake up wake up wake up...!"

"Your daughter's awake." Mercury peeked one gray eye open and glanced at the sleeping form of his girlfriend beside him. All he could see in the dark with his fuzzy vision was the faint golden color of Yang's treasured mane of curls. He didn't need night vision to see the teasing smirk on her face; he could hear it in her tired, yet amused voice. Sighing, he moved his pillow from under his head and covered his head with it instead.

"If the sun isn't up yet, she's your kid," He remarked with a groan, praying to whatever gods were still out there that their little rugrat would give him at least another hour – or until the sun actually rose. His prayers were ignored as not ten seconds later, his pillow was ripped from atop his head and tossed onto the floor. "Why you littl-"

"You promised we'd get up early and watch the sun rise!" Mercury looked over his shoulder with squinted eyes since the light from the hallway was peeking through the open bedroom door. The displeased frown on his daughter's face was without a doubt inherited from her mother, as were her bright violet eyes. She did have Yang's wild curls, but the color of her hair was one that neither of them had: stark white. It didn't take Mercury long to figure out where those snowy locks came from: her grandfather – his father – Marcus Black. That aside, the white hair and sweet, angelic face is what earned their daughter her name: Angel Xiao Long-Black.

The gray-haired man groaned again and rolled onto his back, looking up at the child now seated on the center of his chest. "You know, we could always trade you in for a more quiet and polite kid. One who doesn't wake up at ungodly hours of the morning and lets her dad sleep in peace."

Yang's leg delivered a swift kick to his own beneath the covers – not that the blow did anything to his metal limbs. "Don't tell her that!" She chastised her boyfriend without opening her eyes or moving from her current position.

"True," Angel replied while ignoring her mother's input, a smirk not unlike her father's crossing her face. "But you'd miss me too much, because I'm one of a kind!"

"Yeah, you're one of a kind alright. One of a kind pain in my..."

"Mercury." Father and daughter snickered when Yang once more called him off for his humor and language. Yawning, Mercury reluctantly sat up, moving Angel off of his torso so he could take in a full breath again.

"Alright, you little maggot, I'm up. Now how about you go get a bath and brush your teeth before I ship you off to a pawn shop and trade you for a few hundred Lien." The little girl snickered as she slid off the bed and ran out of her parents' room. Moving his head to one side then the other to pop the bones in his neck and shoulders, the assassin's gray eyes shifted to focus on the blonde Huntress lying next to him. Brushing his bangs out of his face, he laid back down and shifted closer so his chest was pressed to her back, one arm draping over her waist and the other snaking under her neck. "Sorry to disappoint you, Blondie, but if I can't sleep in, neither can you."

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