✷Peace✷ *

153 9 21

{ t h i r t e e n }

♔ ➳ ✷

Something cold jolts me from my blissful sleep. I open my eyes reluctantly and see that Clarke isn't here. I sit up quickly and look around. She didn't leave, did she? She promised she wouldn't. Granted, a lot can change in two weeks, but things seemed so good.

My breathing quickens at the thought of losing her again. The door opens, and there stands Clarke, her tired eyes concerned.

"Hey, Everlyn, hey, what's wrong?" she whispers, rushing to my side. I shake my head and wipe away stray tears.

"I woke up and I didn't see you, I thought—"

"I'm here, baby. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I nod, breathing in her familiar scent as she kisses my forehead. I look down and notice a bowl at her knees.

"What's that?" I question. She pulls away and picks it up, smiling widely.

"Well, I went for a walk and found some berries. I thought you and Bellamy would like some, so I picked some for you. They aren't poisonous, I promise. I ate them while I was playing Grounder." She picks one and holds it up to my lips. I blush and open my mouth. She pops it in, and I chew on it, focusing on the sweet but sour flavoring in my mouth.

"This is so good," I moan. Clarke laughs, glancing at a still sleeping Bellamy. I grab another berry and make sure its juice is on my lips before winking at Clarke. She rolls her eyes but smiles as I lean down and press my lips to Bellamy's. It doesn't take him long to stir. I pull back but don't get far before Bellamy pulls me back to him. He licks my lips, smirking.

"Good morning to you, too," Bellamy rasps, his morning voice fresh. He opens his eyes and looks over at Clarke, smiling. "Berries?" Clarke nods, holding one to his lips. He takes it, playfully closing his lips around Clarke's fingers. Clarke blushes, and Bellamy reaches past me, pulling her into bed with us. She winces.

"I'm still worn out from last night," she complains.

"Shouldn't have drank so much," I chastise. Clarke flicks my nose, and I pull back, scowling.

"So, what do we do today? Drink more?" Bellamy teases. Clarke groans and lays her head on my lap. I run my fingers through her hair, and she closes her eyes.

"No drinking," Clarke mumbles.

"You say that now," I sing. Clarke glares up at me, and I give her a sweet smile. "Well, I'm going to go drink." I wiggle out of the pile that Bellamy, Clarke, and I created.

"No," Bellamy and Clarke whine.

"Then, by all means, my darlings, come along," I laugh, holding out my hands. Bellamy groans and slaps his hand in mine. Clarke grabs my other, and we walk out of our room and toward the bar.

"Day drinking?" Jackson disapproves as we pass.

"Who says?" I ask, cocking my head.

"You're literally about to walk into the bar." I look at the waiting bar and raise my eyebrows in mock surprise.

"Oh, wow! Well, I wasn't planning on it but since we're here," I joke, pulling Bellamy and Clarke over the threshold. Jackson shakes his head and walks off, muttering to himself.

"You're impossible," Bellamy grins.

"I know." I walk up to the bar and sit on the seat. I open my mouth to ask for some moonshine, but something stops me. My stomach lurches at the thought of alcohol, and I frown. I feel my forehead, surprised to feel that my head is a little warm.

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