Chapter 2 - "him"

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After Draco walks you to your room you wave goodnight to him. You run and flop onto your bed day dreaming of what just happened, butterflies in your stomach. You take the paper he originally gave to you and read it once again then put it away safely on your vanity. You turn off the lights and slip under your emerald green covers. You still can't stop thinking about the kiss, and if it meant anything to Draco. The next day you wake up and get dressed. You're tired from last night but regret nothing. After getting ready you walk out of your room feeling amazing. Everyones rushing to get to their first period including you. Your next class in Potions so you check the room number and right as you arrive you realize you're late as the bell goes off. You quickly scan the class finding out Harry, Harmione and Draco are in this class. There's only one seat left which is next to Hermione so you rush to sit down  next to her as you both get excited.  As the teacher starts the lesson she explains about how to make a sleeping potion and what you need to make it, but you slowly forget about class and think about Draco, You start passing notes to Heromione about what happened last night between you and Draco but she doesn't seem too thrilled. "You know Draco is the player of the year right?" Hermione whispers to you. "Well maybe he's changed?" You whisper back. Hermione shows the note to Harry and he doesn't seem very thrilled either. Harry passes a note to you explaining why it's a risk but will support you if that's what you want. You start questioning yourself but the bell rings as the teacher dismisses class. You go to catch up with Draco but see he meets up with Crab and Goyle. They both hand him 50$ as Crab says "I didn't think you would actually get her and kiss her on the first night" shocked, when Goyle agrees. Crab and Goyle then walk away and as Draco shoves the money in his bag he turns around to see you staring at him. "What do you want?" Draco says with an annoyed face. "So I was just a bet to you huh?" You ask. "Free money and I don't turn down dares." Says Malfoy laughing. By now you've gathered an audience and decide to be mature and walk away. You're still hurt but try to find Harry and Hermione when Draco says "Someone's a little mad they had their first kiss in a storage closet" as everyone laughs. You've had enough so you run back up to him and try to punch him in the face but he grabs your wrist then you kick him where it hurts. Dracos looks shocked at you as you walk away with a silent crowd staring. You've claimed the title as "first girl to ever hurt Draco Malfoy".
    As you walk away, you try to find Harry, Hermione and Cedric. As I'm walking I hear the principal announcing that from now on lunch will be combined for all 4 houses. Finally some good news. I see Harry and Hermione but then a tap on your shoulder. "Hey Avery!" Cedric says as he smiles. "I'm going with Harry and Hermione to the assembly, do you want to come like you said you would yesterday?" I asked.  "I would love to," he says as you guys walk over to Harry and Hermione. Hey guys, this is Cedric. They all exchange handshakes and you all head to the assembly. Hermione remembers you were supposed to be hanging out with Draco so she asks you what happened but you say you wouldn't like to talk about it right now. After you all sit down together you feel a cold shiver going  down your spine. You slowly look behind you to see Draco staring at you a few rows back but as soon as you look at him he looks away. You turn back around annoyed and pay attention to DumbleDor talking about classic rules and schedules all that boring stuff. "Hey, I wanna get out of here" you say to Cedric. "Me too, but how are we supposed to do that?" asks Cedric. "Like this, but wait 5 minutes and ask another teacher. Meet me in the garden." You say with a smile, as you walk up to your teacher and spill a drink on your robe. "Oh my gosh! I was going to ask about the homework assignment yesterday but can I go change into my other robe?" You plead. "Fine, but make it quick." she says as you walk out eyeing Cedric. You can also feel Dracos cold stare from your back. 5 minutes pass and Cedric asks a different teacher to use the restroom and she says yes. You've already changed out of your robe into a new one, and you see Cedric making his way over to you as a grin spreads across his face. "I see you made it" you smile as you catch up to Cedric.
You both start walking through the garden as Cedric turns to his side and grabs a flower, and puts it behind your ear. It's getting harder and harder to stop smiling.  Cedric then turns to you, "you're so pretty when you smile." you turn to him and stare at him as a smile spreads across his face yet again. A smile hasn't left yours until you look behind you and see Draco staring at you guys. Cedric see's you about to start walking toward Draco with an angry face as he puts his hand in front of you so you can't walk towards him. Cedric then starts calmly going toward Draco. "Draco... I don't think Avery wants to see you."  Draco had a very annoyed look on his face. "Let her decide for herself Cedric, Avery I need to talk to you." He said. "Well I have nothing to say to you so leave me alone!" You scream into his face. Draco maintaining the same facial expression looks you in the eyes as he turns and walks away fast. Cedric turns around and walks toward you. "Cedric, how did you kn-' as he pulls you into a tight hug. You start to softly cry in his arms as he comforts you. The bell rings and you both pull away, he wipes your eyes. Hermione keeps saying your name walking around. "I- I need to find Hermione Cedric."  Cedric waves goodbye as you turn around and see Hermione staring at you too. "That's something I didn't expect to see," she says with a little laugh as she runs up to you guys. She sees you've been crying so she hugs you. "I heard what happened to you and Draco, with the bet. I'm so sorry." You stop hugging her with a broken smile. "That's enough of Draco, he's had his fame."  You all are walking to hear "Fight fight fight!" being chanted. You push everyone away and see Harry and Draco in the middle staring at each other. As if this day couldn't get any worse you see them start to swing at each other. "STOP!" You say as you get in the middle of them. You stare at Draco maintaining your angry face, but instead of you breaking this time he breaks. Then you look at Harry with a confused face. You look around again and see everyone staring at you.
Then you snap out of it and walk toward Harry grabbing his arm, while signalling Hermione to follow and leaving Cedric alone. You guys head into your room.  You all sit on the floor wondering what just happened. " I saw Draco storming off from the Garden after I heard you screamed, so I ran up to him and asked him what he did to you. He kept denying that he did anything so I continued to question him then next thing we know there's a circle chanting fight." You smile at Harry as he gives you a slight smile back. You guys end up all doing the homework for your classes. You went to go finish writing in your journal but couldn't find it so you just continued with homework. A few hours later, day turns to night. Harry and Hermione leave your room as you exchange 'goodnights'. You lay in your bed wondering if you're feeling happy with Cedric or you're mad at Draco. Your mind starts to go into a daze as you drift off to sleep. The next morning you wake up to hear screaming and laughing, you rush to get ready as you throw your robe on. You rush outside and see a giant crowd right next to your room. "There she is!" One shouts, as another says "The model on the papers!" You're so confused so you look around and find one of the hundred papers scattered on the floor. Your heart drops as you pick up the paper, there you are photoshopped onto the paper, with some copies of the readings in your diary.  'Last night Draco and I ran from security down a dark hall and I've never felt butterflies like I did with him right now', 'We star gazed looking for the milky way, but I couldn't help but look into his eyes instead. Far more interesting' . These journal entries went all the way back to when you were a kid getting very personal. You feel your vision getting blurry with your tears then start running, trying to keep your head low. Not getting very far you run into someone as they catch you.
You collapse in they're arms while they hesitate to comfort you, but then they do. Cold hands wrap around you forming a hug. You don't look up just knowing who it is. You we're so mad but you knew you were safe. When you finally do look at him, you're not surprised to see Dracos bleach blonde hair staring at the crowd. He sits you up against the locked as he storms to the crowd. "Who did this!" he shouts. "Aha Malfoy! What's up dude?" says Goyle. "Did you do this?" Draco says while holding up one of the papers, shoving it into Goyles face. "No, but it's pretty funny." Says Goyle. Malfoy then turns to the crowd and stares at everyone. As he one by one starts picking up the papers and ripping them. He then glares at Crab and Goyle, they then start picking the papers up and ripping them too. Soon enough most of the crowd is picking up the papers and ripping them. Draco then turns to face you but you're gone. You head back to your room as you're deeply hurt, yet so... happy. As you're almost happy all that happened with what draco did for you. You get lost in your thoughts, just thinking about 'him'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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