Im taken..

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*weeks later*
(Mark and charli are broken up)
Chase pov: charli and I still aren't dating, nessa was coming over today and the girls are taking charli shopping or something. I love charli, like a lot but I think nessa is the one...
Finally nessa got here, we hung out for a bit. We didn't wanna get hate so we didn't post anything together.. I wanted too so bad but I knew I couldn't. I stared into her eyes and leaned in, so did she, we kissed passionately.

Dixie pov: I wanted to go ask chase if he could drive me somewhere, so I walk out side and say "hey cha-" my jaw dropped and I stood there frozen... I felt a waterfall of tears run down my face and I ran inside. I immediately called charli and told her to get home now, she sounded confused but I didn't wanna tell her yet. She got home and I told her everything... she started bawling and went to go confront him.

Charli pov: Dixie told me everything and I started bawling.. I felt like I couldn't breathe I finally calmed down and I wanted to confront him, I walked out to where they were and saw them making out.. "I- c-chase" I say and run off bawling, "CHARLES ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" he said sounding guilty. I ran upstairs and slammed avanis bedroom door. I HATE HIM UGHHH WHY NESSA?! I quickly locked the door and sat there on the bed... did I overreact? I thought to myself and I finally decided to go talk to chase, everyone was just sitting there around the table,... oh god what could they want?! "C-charli nessa and I-I are uh um dating.." chase says, stuttering a lot, I felt tears running down my face, I grabbed my things and ran out of the house. I needed to get away from him.. I couldn't take it. I went for a 2 hour walk and I started to calm down a bit, I finally went back and of course... nessa and chase were making out, I went to me and chases room and locked the door. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in his mirror. I understand why he hates me.. I kept saying to myself. I decided to write letters to everyone. I started with chase.

Chase.... I wanted to thank you for the friendship we had... my mom always told me that sometimes no matter how hard you try, people leave. And it hurts but you have to let them go... I don't wanna let you go but you are with nessa so that's all I can do now.. thanks for the awesome memories.. You will always hold a very special place in my heart chasey... but have you noticed, I'm still here... even tho you broke my heart..... twice.... but I just want you to be happy! -charli

I finished writing the note, I then announced the breakup officially on Instagram..

Hi guys,
Chase and I never announced that we were back together, but we did a few months ago and broke up around month ago. Well.. we weren't really back together but we were close but anyways...
I have decided I needed to tell you that we are no longer together. It hurts me to say this but we've decided that this is what's best for the both of us. We are still close friends and I would not change that for anything!! I truly have so much love for chase and wish nothing but the best for him! It makes me so happy to see all of the great things he has going for him. I'm sorry I never told y'all that we were back together but I wanted to take my time to process everything properly, breakups are hard for everyone.
Everything happens for a reason!! I'm beyond thankful to have spent the time I spent with him. Have fun with nessa beb @lilhuddy !! I love you....

I posted it for millions of people to see... chase and I have been distant and we never hangout as much... he was always with nessa but I knew, I needed him back...


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