Tag : 1

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I never thought I would get tagged..

But here we are..

I was tagged by this amazing person Skyla_Jess ...

Idk what to say anymore..

So yeah.. Let's start...

Randomness Ahead!!

1)Most used word?   I don't know, (get it

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1)Most used word?  
I don't know, (get it.. Ok I'll stop)
(you will find these two words a lot in this book)

2)How long does it take for you to get ready?
I think 15 minutes..
That is a lot of time for a person to get ready..
I should try to reduce it...

3)Do you have much of an ego?
Well I don't know ( you see!!) maybe...maybe not..

4)Do you suck or bite lollipop?
Well it depends on the situation, if the lollipop gets too small I bite it...

5)Do you talk to yourself?
Yeah I am kind of a weirdo..
I usually don't talk with myself out loud, but sometimes I do..

6)Do you sing to yourself?
Yess a lottt...
It's usually when I am home alone
I am kind of a shy person 😅
(Tbh there is a whole concert going on,  with the dance steps, and singing, rapping... etc... Now I feel embarrassed..😳)

7)Are you a good singer?
Well i don't think so..
I am more towards the rapper side but singer...
Mmm i don't think so

8)Biggest fear?
I don't really have fears but if I had to list I would probably write..
Losing/hurting loved ones.. And
Disappointing people
(Which I already am doing..so I am living my fears..😅)

9)Are you a gossip?
Me? A gossip?

10)Best dramatic movie you've ever seen?
I really loved the Bollywood movie MOM ..

11)Do you like long or short hair?
Both are cool
But I prefer long more
Just by a teeni tiny bit

12)Can you name all 50 states of America?
No..  I can name some but not all..

13)Favorite school subject?
Maths probably
But I also like music ( which I don't have anymore.. Sadly)
Language and PE

14)Extrovert or Introvert?
(I am very shy and I don't talk much...I also hate hooman interactions)

15)Have you ever been scuba diving?
No but I would love to go someday..

16)What makes you nervous?
A lot of things apparently.. like
Public speaking
Complaints about me
(I could dedicate a whole chapter on this topic but I will not)

17)Are you scared of the dark?
No.. I actually like it

18)Do you correct people when they make mistakes?

19)Are you ticklish?
No I am generally not...
Most people can't tickle me.
And I am proud of that😀

20)Have you ever started a rumour?
I have never..
Spreading rumours is a bad habit..
But you do you boo.. 😶

21)Have you ever been in a position of Authority?
No.. Not that I am aware of..

22)Have you ever drank underage?
No I have never.. 😨

23)Have you ever done drugs?
No. 😱

24)Who was your first real crush?
I only have few celebrity crushes (those are the worst) here and there.. 😅
But other than that no crushes

25)How many piercings do you have?
I have one on each ear.. That's about it..

26)Can you roll your R's?
Yes I surrrrrly can...

27)How fast can you type?
Idk (another one)

28)How fast can you run?
I can run pretty decent..
Maybe I am fast... Yeah you can say that..

29)Tag 5 people..
Sorry if you didn't wanted to get tagged..
Again I apologize..


Sooo we are at the end of the first tag..

Hope you all enjoyed it.. 😊



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