Tag : 3

48 8 17

Hiii guys.....

So I got tagged.. again...

By... Sk

So let's go.. 😊

Hair : What hair color looks best on you and what's your natural color? I have never really coloured my hair so Idk

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Hair : What hair color looks best on you and what's your natural color?
I have never really coloured my hair so Idk... But I think dark blue or purple streaks would look good??  What do you all think??
My natural color is very dark brown...almost black.

Skin : Do you tan easily?
Yes.. It takes like two minutes in the sun and Baam!  You are now tan...

Eyes : What is your favorite show to watch?
I haven't really watched any shows lately... But the show that I have watched and enjoyed is The office.. It's pretty funny...
Or maybe you can suggest some shows for me to watch...

Nose : What is your favorite perfume/ candle fragrance?
I can be a little sensitive to smell....like I really can't handle the room fresheners.. Anyways.. There's this perfume that I like it's called She...

Mouth : Do you want to kiss anyone right now?

Tongue : What was in your last meal?
Biscuits that I am eating right now...

Windpipe : Do you sing?
Yesss.. A lot tbh.

Neck : Do you wear necklaces?
No I don't wear them normally.. But only on special occasions... But that is also pretty rare..

Ears : How many piercings do you have (if any) ?
I have 1 on each ear..

Cheeks : Do you blush easily?
No... i don't think so...

Wrists : Have you ever broken a bone?
No.. I am not that adventurous..

Hands : Are you an artist/writer?
Does the work have to be good , to be considered an artist/writer, because if not, I am an artist/writer alright.

Fingers : Do you play an instrument?
Yup I do play instruments...
I can play a guitar, a casio/piano, etc
(these are my main 2 or 3, but I can play some more)

Heart : Are you in love? If so, does the one you love know?
Yes I am in love... I am pretty sure my pets doesn't get what love is... So no they don't know...

Lungs : Do you smoke cigarettes?
No I don't... It's bad for health...

Chest : Are your maternal/paternal instincts strong?
What is that.... (Ooo it's the bond between your mom/dad..)
...so I have no clue.... Maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯...

Stomach : Do you feel confident in your body image?
No. I am actually not, and don't like that... I am still trying to "love myself " ...there is a long way to go...

Legs : Are you flexible?
Yup a little.. Like I still can't do full splits.. (There's just like a finger gap) but I can do the standing arch (if you don't know what that is it is also called as "back bend" ) so that is the reason it is a maybe

Hips : Do you like to dance?
Yesss I love to dance 💃

Thighs : Has anyone ever called you ugly?
I don't think so..

Knees : Have you ever cheated on someone?
I have never been in a relationship to start from...

Ankles : Have you ever been arrested?
No I pretty good at hiding bodies..  Oop-
Jk i could neverrrrrr....◐.̃◐

Feet : Favorite pair of shoes?</p>
Okay they are like these pink boots with (fake) fur (that is what I think) ....those are my favorite....
I am too lazy to add a pic.. But you can imagine..

Now I'll just tag some people...
Sorry if you did not wanted to get tagged


Woohoo you made it to the end..

Well third tag is finished...

Hope you enjoyed it
(comment below)




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