Part 4

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***Start of the mission***

"Oi, Dragon, Wake the hell up" Said Cyclone, "The mission is starting"

"Ugh... Great..." Dragon said tiredly, "We are over the battlefield, I'm dropping early" He said as he pulled the lever, opening the hatch.

"WE ARE TOO HIGH ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Yelled Balistics.

"Yes." Dragon replied bluntly.

He jumped out, then engaging his modified jump-kit, which was essentially a Northstar Flight Unit strapped to his back, and he landed safely, waiting for the others. He grabbed his R-97 and loaded it, ready to unload hundreds of magazines into some faces. Cyclone landed behind him, as did Striker and Balistics. The dropship warped off to ready the titans.

"Remnant fleet inbound. Defend the harvester" Said Striker, obviously just wanting to go home

***Wave 3, midway through the mission***

"Nuke titans on the left!" Shouted Balistics over the comms.

"Ill handle it!" Dragon yelled, obviously getting irritated with the amount of nuke titans.

"Wait how?! There is at least 6!" Striker yelled

"Watch and Learn, Striker!"

Dragon ran along the walls, jumping onto the titan in the center of the group, pulling out a glowing red battery, and inserting it. The titan began to go thermonuclear as Dragon engaged his flight unit, taking off from the nuke. As the titans detonated, just like that, Striker was caught in the blast, and pulverized.

"Striker is down!!" Yelled Cyclone, distressed at the loss of a teammate.

"Onyx! Titan support!" Dragon yelled, as his Northstar Prime fell from orbit, allowing him to embark.

Immedietly after embarking, Dragon linked to Onyx. They punched a Tone that was moving to attack, then, stealing his 40mm tracker cannon, Shot him 3 times, forcing the Tone to fire his rockets right back at himself, exploding instantly.

"Dragon, Behind you!" Cyclone yelled from the cockpit of her Ion, pointing at a Legion behind Dragon, with its cannon spun up and glowing a molten orange, powering a powershot.

Time to FlyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin