Chapter 19. The Mudblood Incident ☾

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A/N: Any familiar content can be found in The Chamber of Secrets pg. 105-129. Sorry it's such a short chapter.

The first couple weeks went by quickly. One day in mid-September, Draco and Harry found themselves being awoken by a very indignant Oliver Wood.

"Come on! We only have a month and a half until our first match and we need to be prepared." Wood encouraged. Draco moaned.

"No self-respecting person would ever be awake this early." Draco complained. He heard Harry jump out of bed. He looked over to see Harry's hurt expression.

"I'm always awake at this time at the Dursleys." Harry almost whispered. Draco sighed.

"You're the exception, Harry." Draco lied. He didn't have the heart to tell Harry he did not think Harry respected himself. Oliver stomped over to Draco and shoved him out of bed.

"There, you're up. Now, I want to see you on the pitch in fifteen minutes." Oliver demanded as he left the second-year bedroom. Draco moaned again.

"I really need to start drinking coffee again," Draco mumbled as he got up, went to brush his teeth, and got dressed.

Within fifteen minutes, the boys were on the pitch. They stood there waiting for Angelina, Katie, and Oliver-who was apparently trying to wake the girls up with little success. While they stood waiting, the twins walked up to them.

"Hey Harry," greeted Fred.

"Hey Draco," greeted George.

"Hi Fred, hi George," Harry returned. Draco inclined his head.

"Weasley-Dee, Weasley-Dumb." Draco replied. Harry looked shocked.

"Draco!" He scolded. "Be nice! The twins haven't done anything to you." The yet was implied in Harry's mind.

"It's too early to be nice, Scarhead." Draco muttered.

"Nah, it's fine, Harry! I just want to know which one's dumb?" Fred joked. George rolled his eyes.

"That is not what we came over for." George reminded his twin. Fred nodded in agreement.

"That's right, brother of mine." Fred turned to Harry and bowed his head. "We just wanted you to know, Ron's been a prat all summer, bragging about how he's best friends with the great Harry Potter. He kept inserting himself into your adventure, making it sound like he was an invaluable part of your defeat of You-Know-Who." Fred told him truthfully.

"We've decided we all but hate him, the liar. We just thought you should know and we hope you don't view all Weasleys poorly because of one moron in the family." George added.

"Perhaps two, since we're still considering Percy a Weasley." Fred finished. Harry smiled.

"It's okay, guys! Don't worry. I won't blame you for something your brother is doing. It's not like you can control his actions." Harry responded.

Right then, Wood arrived with two irate chasers in tow. Before he could even begin to talk strategy, Katie Bell looked out onto the pitch and threw a fit.

"The pitch isn't even open! Why in the world would you wake us up at this un-Godly hour when Slytherins are infesting the pitch?" Katie spewed angrily. Oliver looked dumbfounded as he saw Marcus Flint stomping up to him.

"What do you think you're doing? Spying to memorize all our plays?" Marcus Flint accused.

"But I already know them all." Draco muttered sleepily. Harry clapped his hand over Draco's mouth to keep his friend from giving away any of their secrets.

"No, we booked this pitch for this morning. What are you doing here?" Oliver Wood bit back.

"We got permission to use the pitch." Flint bragged.

"Permission from whom?" Oliver Wood demanded to know.

"Professor Snape." Marcus Flint handed over the note that Professor Snape had given him.

"I thought he was on our side." Draco whined. Harry clapped his hand over his friend's mouth again. He also noted that Draco was useless before seven o'clock in the morning.

As Wood and Flint argued over whose permission trumped whose, Hermione walked up to her two friends.

"What's up, buttercups?" Hermione asked as she slung an arm around Draco's neck. Harry snickered.

"Oh, Flint and Wood are arguing over who has more power: McGonagall or Snape." Harry replied.

"Oh, a tough one." Hermione teased. Draco had to smirk when he heard that. Before they could converse any further, the rest of the Slytherin team appeared beside their fearless leader.

"Why would Professor Snape give you the pitch when we had already booked it?" Wood finally asked.

"To train our new seeker and chaser." Flint responded proudly. At that time, Finnegan and Zabini popped out from the crowd of Quidditch players.

"Aren't you Athena Zabini's son?" Oliver Wood asked.

"Funny you should mention Blaise's mother." The Slytherin team smiled brightly. They all held up Nimbus 2001's. "She gifted the team with the newest brooms in celebration of her son and his friend making the team."

"So, your black widow mother is still making money? I thought all the rich men would figure it out after her third or fourth husband." Draco drawled, pretending to be very interested in his fingernails.

"Well, at least I have a trust fund to afford new brooms. I would have thought Mummy and Daddy would have disowned a blood traitor like you by now." Zabini sneered.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione jeered. Zabini's eyes grew wide at the accusation.

"Who cares what you think, you stupid Mudblood?" Seamus defended Zabini.

"Yeah, no one asked your opinion." Zabini added.

Draco lunged toward Finnegan and began to punch him in the face. Zabini started attacking Draco, trying to get him off the Irish boy. Harry attacked Zabini, stopping him from succeeding in hurting his blond friend. The twins looked at each other, shrugged, and then joined the fray. Flint and Wood both began fighting to try to decide who would break up whom. Finally, they heard a smooth voice call out.

"What is going on here?" Professor Snape asked. Hermione took a step back to allow the professor a closer view of the mess that was in front of them. He got into the middle of the fight and quickly broke it up.

"He used the 'm' word, Professor Snape," Wood tattled, pointing at Finnegan, who now sported several bruises on his face.

"I see." Professor Snape looked at Draco. The blond bowed his head in shame. "Everyone involved in the fight has detention. Move along, now. Slytherin has a practice to finish."

"I had the pitch booked for weeks..." Oliver started. He stopped as Professor Snape glared at him. He averted his eyes. "Come on, team. We can still talk strategy in the locker room."

Before Draco left, he chanced on last glance at his godfather. He could have sworn he saw the stern man smilingly proudly as they walked off the pitch. Draco didn't know how Professor Snape figured out he was the one to throw the first punch, but he knew his godfather knew.


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