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Nico bolted upright in his bed. Breathing heavy and crying he reached for Will. 

   He had been trying to reach for Will instead of his blade. Often he reached for his blade but tonight he reached for Will. 

    Unforchinitly Will was a deep sleeper. Nico looked at his sleeping boyfriend and burst into tears. He didn't deserve love or happiness, he didn’t deserve a happy ending. Yet here he is, his happy ending sleeping right next to him. He felt like cutting. Cutting helped in the worst ways. It calmed him down, watching the small beads of blood run down his arm. He wanted so badly. Just one cut. Just a small one. He was going to cut. Just one… or two. Everything in him said to wake Will. He’ll help. Help, Nico didn't deserve help.

    Wake Will… Wake him up. Get Will!

Nico headed to the bathroom where he hid a small box of blades. Suddenly Nico felt sick. Really really sick. Running to the bathroom Nico threw up on the way. Sometimes when Nico got really sad it made him sick. 

   Great… Now Wills definitely up. He thought. 

   And it was true. Will shot up in bed. Will looked around before jumping out of bed and rushing over to Nico, who was now puking his guts out in the bathroom. Will rubbed his back and held Nico’s long-ish hair back. When Nico was done he collapsed into Will and cried.

    “Shhh, baby it's okay, you're going to be alright.”

   “But Will it won’t! I'll never be better.” He cried after finishing throwing up. 

   “Yes, you will.”

   “No, it won’t. You know how I’ve been clean for three weeks,” Will nodded, “well I was going to break it tonight. But then I threw up.”

   “ Baby, it's okay. The good thing is you didn’t cut.”

   “But… I was going to.”

   “Nope, no buts. You're getting better.” Nico whined. “Yep, you're slowly getting better.”

   “Okay, maybe.” 

   “See, three weeks ago you would still be crying and probably still puking.”

   “I still feel like puking…”

   “Let's get to the infirmary.”


   “Babe, you're burning up, and you just threw up, that earns you a trip to the infirmary.”

   Will picked up and carried his 15-year-old boyfriend to the infirmary.

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