One more problem

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Alex. that's the name that appeared again and again in my head for the last two hours.
"Oh my gosh why does Alex Campbell have to be so gorgeous ?!" "He's not even cute " said Eliza. "Yes he is !" I said arguing , "I mean look at him "I said. Alex has perfect olive skin , deep emerald green eyes , his hair was as black as .....well.....I don't but his hair is perfect , he's really tall 5'9 I think , and OMG HE'S COMING OVER TO US!!! "He's coming !, primp !" I said over excitedly , no one moved but me though. I quickly shook my hair out of it's perfect bun I put in , and my waist length dirty blonde waves cascaded down my back . "Times up rapunzel " tori said nodding her head at Alex who was seconds away from me. "Okay breathe Amy breathe you can do this " I said giving a pep talk. "Hey guys " said Alex , "hey" we replied. Alex then got a rose out of his backpack and said to me "Amy , will you go to the dance with me ? I restrained. myself from hugging him and screaming yes at the top of my lungs. "yeah that would cool" I said trying to stay calm. "ok catch you later" he said grinning bug at me. "guys I have a date to the dance !!!!". My friends gave me big hugs , out of the corner of my eye I could see becca and her friends giving us evil glares but I ignored them, I wasn't going to let their jealously ruin my day. Then the bell rung so we went inside to get to class on time . The sad part is that thought this was the best day of my teenage life.
*flashback ended*
As I walked to my last class I saw Alex out of the corner of my eye walking behind me. "hey Amy" he said I just continued walking. "ummm okay well I got this for you" Alex said handing me a bottle of what I once told him was my favorite drink. "umm Amy you okay?" Asked Alex , I then turned around took the bottle of pink lemonade from his hand , and said "you know I can't believe that I ever liked you , since your just "being nice" and "you'll really be slow dancing with becca when your slow dancing with me , "have your drink back."Though instead of handing it back to him I opened the bottled and "accidentally" dumped it on his head while all of the eighth grade erupted into laughter. "oh and you don't need to take me to the dance since I'm too "pathetic" for you , I may be pathetic but I'll never be anybody's pity project." With that I turned on the heel of my converse storming down the hallway not stopping or turning back to hear what Alex had to say.
Hey guys it's grande_lorde sorry if this chapter seemed lame to anybody promise the next one will be VERY interesting :) PLEASE comment I REALLY want to know what you think !

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