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"And so, with the emergence of the Han dynasty in 202 BCE, the civil war ended," The Doctor explained. "The founder of the Han dynasty was Liu Pang, more commonly known as Han Gaozu—Exalted Emperor of Han. He was of peasant descent, but became known by the title he gave himself."

"Umm... Doctor? Could you please explain that in simpler terms?" James asked. The Doctor nodded.

"The Han dynasty started in 202 BCE. A peasant named Liu Pang became famously known as Han Gaozu — Exalted Emperor of Han. Oh and this dude was the founder of the Han Dynasty." The class nodded at that. Lily raised her hand. The Doctor nodded at her, allowing her to speak.

"Were there many differences between the Han and the Qin dynasty, in terms of politics?" She asked. The Doctor nodded.

"Oh, there were many differences between the two. The main being that they had completely different religions. The Hans used Confucianism, rather than Legalism. However, as different as they were, there were still many similarities. Han Gaozu kept the division of the central government into three different parts — The military, Civil, and Censorate. They also kept the empire divided into provinces."

After several minutes of just explaining the information, The Doctor could tell people were getting bored with the lesson. So, he clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"How about we go on a field trip, instead of me just talking about this boring lesson?" The Doctor asked. Without waiting for an answer, he stood up, grabbing his bag. He put on his trench coat, motioning for everyone to stand up.

The class stood up, gathering their bags, and putting on their jackets. The Doctor started leading the class out of the room and down the hall.

"Please tell me this will be a normal field trip," James said. Lily laughed.

"With the Doctor? No way!" she responded.

Everyone who heard them laughed, as The Doctor lead them out of the building, to the parking lot. He lead them to a building on the edge of the school property. Walking inside, the class grinned as they saw the familiar phone booth come into sight. The doctor opened the door, allowing the class to go into the famous TARDIS.

Once the class was inside, The Doctor did his thing, and the students all felt the TARDIS go back in time.

When the TARDIS landed and the students stepped outside, they looked around in Confucian, wondering where the heck they were.

The Doctor led them through the odd village, ignoring the strange looks the villagers gave them. As they walked, The Doctor explained a few things.

"Welcome to the Han Dynasty, class," He said. "We aren't in the capital of the dynasty, but we are in a wealthier area."

The class spent the day walking around and learning about daily life in the Han Dynasty. They even got a few kind villagers to provide them with food (mostly The Doctor's persuasion).

However, the next day was a bit more interesting. When they woke up and emerged from the TARDIS, they heard a shouting. Following the noise, they saw a man dressed in fancy robes, yelling at a man in average clothes.

"The man in the fancy robes is a noble. At this time, Nobles were allowed to force free farmers to become what is called a 'tenant farmer'. Tenant farmers had to pay half of their harvests as rent to stay where they were staying," The Doctor explained to his horrified class. "Perhaps it's time we go back."

They  nodded and boarded the TARDIS again. The Doctor brought them back to just a few minutes after they had initially left. They went back to their classroom and sat down at their seats.

"Now. The Han Dynasty officially fell in A.D. 220, 400 years after the civilization first arose. However, by A.D. 170, the dynasty was in the midst of wars and uprisings, which weakened their strength, making it easier for a general to seize control of the dynasty is A.D. 220. That was the end of the Han Dynasty, plunging China into another Civil War," The Doctor stated.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of class, and the end of a lesson with The Doctor.

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