Letters (Daddy Levi x Daughter Reader) AU

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Please, listen to this as you read: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aly8mmRsFuQ It really sets the tone for this piece! Other than that, I hope you enjoy~!

July 23, 2001

Dear Dad,

Today's my birthday.I turned ten today. I'm so excited! Mom says I get to choose what we can have for dinner tonight. You know what that means, Dad!? Steak, potatoes, and corn on the cob. The same dinner I have every year. It's been a month since you left, or maybe it's going to be a month--I can't remember. All I know is I miss you so much, and I wish you were here. I love you.

Your Baby Girl,

August xx, 2001

Dear Dad,

I think I broke my wrist. I can't make a fist without my hand hurting. You're probably wondering how I did it, right? I'd love to tell you, Dad. Really I would, but it hurts to just hold a pencil and writing isn't helping. That being said, I might not be able to write as much as I'd like to.

Love you Dad,
                Your Baby Girl

August xx, 2001

Dear Dad,

Just got back from the doctor today. I got a cast. A hot pink one to be exact. Mikasa said Jean better not tick me off. I could easily hit him with my cast. Mom said this is beautiful, starting fifth grade wearing a hot pink cast. Sis says I'm going to be blinding people when I'm out in the sun. Who knew writing with a cast could be so hard! Well, I know I won't be able to write in school with this cast and all, but I love you,Dad. Always have and always will!

You Baby Girl,

P.S. Uncle Erwin was the first to sign my cast and he wrote the nickname he gave me: Little Squirt.

October 20, 2001

Dear Dad,

Today's Mom's and (Step-Dad's name) wedding day. Me and (Sister's name) are going to be giving her away. I know you can't be here, but I've never seen Mom so happy and it's because of (S-d/n). It still stings, Dad. When you left almost four months ago, I don't think I'll ever be able to  forget that.

Love you,

September xx, 2002

Dear Dad,

I'm so sorry. I haven't written to you in a really long time, but a lot of stuff happened. (Step-Brother's name) left, he went to live in North Carolina with his mom. That's the only thing that's coming to me at this moment, but the real reason I'm writing this is because I'm actually going to be gone the rest of the week because I'm going to sixth grade camp! I'm so excited! We're going to be doing a bunch of fun stuff. What? I have no idea, but I'm really excited! I got to go, Dad. Mom's helping me pack. I might write you back when I get back. That's if I remember.

Your Baby Girl,

September xx, 2002

Dear Dad,

I'm back! I had so much fun! Where do I even begin? Hmm... I did make a candle. We made the wick out of string and dunked it in a huge pot a wax. Then we walked around in a circle so it would cool. Then we repeated the process until it turned itself into a candle. Neat right? There was this one step before we were done though. We got to pick leaves and twigs and some other stuff to decorate out candles with before the final layer of wax. But the whole time I was finding leaves and stuff, I thought of you and how much you hate dirt.

Letters (Daddy Levi x Daughter Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now