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"Who are you?"

When Youngjo heard them, his world shattered, his heart broke into a million pieces. Youngjo should have expected it though, considering the doctor said that Hwanwoong's head injury was severe. At the back of his mind Youngjo knew that it was possible, but he pushed the thought away as he sat by Hwanwoong's side, waiting for him to wake up.

Now the reality of that thought hit him hard, so hard that it froze him in his seat, as he stared at Hwanwoong. Hwanwoong saw a myriad of emotions flash in the stranger's eyes that Hwanwoong found it hard to decipher them. But there was one emotion that Hwanwoong saw and understood. Anguish.

Hwanwoong felt the hold the stranger had in his hand loosen, making Hwanwoong frown. Although he didn't know this man in front of him, Hwanwoong missed the warmth those hands held. Before he could reach out for that warmth again, the stranger was pulled to the side and a white coat filled his vision.

While Youngjo was asking the younger questions earlier, the nurse in charge of Hwanwoong came, and when she saw that Hwanwoong was awake, she called for the doctor. Said doctor was now beside Hwanwoong checking his vitals. When the doctor deemed his vitals were okay, he started to ask Hwanwoong questions.

"What is the last thing you remember before getting hurt?" The doctor asked, clicking at his pen as he stared at his clipboard.

"I- I honestly don't know." Hwanwoong whispered. He tried to recall whatever happened to him, but it only made his head hurt. He clutched his head in pain. The doctor noticed this and rubbed soothing circles on Hwanwoong's back.

"It's okay Hwanwoong, don't force yourself to remember. Could you tell me what you can remember instead? It can be anything, just tell me what you remember."

"okay. Uhm I- I remember my freshmen year. I was hanging out with Seoho-hyung. We were at a café just catching up. "Hwanwoong started, as the memory flashed behind his eyes, letting out a fond smile. It was the first time the two childhood friends spoke to each other since Seoho started college and Hwanwoong was left in his hometown since he still hasn't finished high school.

"I cannot remember anything after that." Hwanwoong finished, sulking. He didn't understand what was happening and why he couldn't remember anything.

Nodding the doctor filled Hwanwoong in with all that had happened, all the injuries that he received and of him having retrograde amnesia because of his head injury but they couldn't tell yet if what type of retrograde amnesia Hwanwoong has. Hwanwoong found it hard to wrap it around his head. He apparently was involved in a car accident to which he didn't remember it happening (duh, the doctor just told you, you have amnesia woong).

How he might need physical therapy so that he can use his legs and arms since they were fractured. Hwanwoong felt hopeless, pessimistic thoughts invaded his mind. What if he wouldn't get better? What about his dreams of becoming a dancer? Will he be able to recover his memories?

"Can I talk with you for a moment?" The sound of the doctor's voice broke Hwanwoong out of his thoughts.

Forget Me Not  ⎸ravn x hwanwoongWhere stories live. Discover now