Might Get a New Job?

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On my computer I saw a Freddy's Bear Pizzeria. I instantly had to go and see it.
I got in my car and drove to it. As I got out I had this weird feeling of something watching me so I turn around. It was Luke. How did you get here?
"I snuck in the car when u weren't watching" I shook my head and told him to walk home. He just ignored me and walked in. I followed and as I entered the place I got cold chills.I seen the robot people It instantly freaked me out and I grabbed Luke's arm. I told I'm scared of this place. He just looked at me and jerked his arm back and started to walk away. He said something but I don't know what it was. So I just stood there waiting for him to come back but he never did. I looked over at the robot people and I swear they moved. But I just ignored it and moved along. I walked up to the front desk and was greeted by "Welcome to Freddy Bear's Pizzeria" I said thanks. So I asked if there was job openings, and weirdly the person said "theirs going to be a night sifted opened if the person working doesn't make it." I wonder what it meant and I asked him "If the person what now?!". I stared at him for along time until he answered. He said "Yeah if he doesn't make it. Have you heard the stories here?" I shook my head no and looked around to see if the robot people moved yet and they did. I instantly asked if the robot people move sometime on there own. The co-worker shook his head and closed his eyes for a long time. And then finally said "I hate this job." Than he said " I thought I was going crazy! I've been seeing those robots move all the time. Sometimes I have to replay the security cameras and you believe what I've seen." I asked "What have u seen"? He's said something like this "They move and run throughout the halls at night!" I saw him shake. At this point I believed him but I had to see for myself. I said thanks and walked away thinking how scared he was to tell me all of this. I walked in the party room and saw Luke playing with some hats and laughing weirdly. I walked up to.
"I want to wor-". He cut me off and said" There coming for u Elizabeth!" He looked at me with this god awful smile. I backed away from him, I bumped into a chair than I looked back and saw all the robots stare at me. I instantly wanted to get out. I start running to the door but Luke grabs my arm and ask "Were are you going Elizabeth? All they want is to play with you!" I jerked away and started to run to the from door. The co-worker screamed at me and said "Be careful they probably want you next." I ran out the door and looked for my car keys but they weren't in my purse. I started to throw everything out of it, until I realized they were in my pocket. I unlocked my car door and started my car. As I was driving home I started to hear noises. I entered my drive away, got out, I looked over and there was Chicka. I ran in my house and locked the door. I grabbed a knife but when I looked out of my window she was gone. I put the knife down on the table and got out my laptop and looked up the stories. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Some of the stories say some co-workers gone missing in Freddy Bear's Pizzeria. I just stopped there that's all I needed to know. I looked back out of the window and there was still no Chicka. I felt a little more relaxed. I thought maybe it was just me thinking Chicka was there. I shutdown my laptop and looked at the table and the knife was gone. I looked around trying to find it but it was just gone. I heard knocking on the front door. As I opened it Luke bugged in. He was talking in some foreign language. But yet I understand everything. He was saying "How dare you leave me back there! Your a slob you just need to die like the rest of us". After that he was quiet for along time and then he said "They will come for you Elizabeth". I just sat there saying nothing. I was to scared to say anything. I thought he was going crazy. It's finally 9:00p.m I went up stairs and I heard Luke talking to himself. I just walked away. I got in the shower and I started to heard thoughts weird noises again. I looked out of the shower and there was the knife. I turned off the water, got out ,and wrapped myself up. I looked at the door and it was cracked. I swear I shut it the whole way. I shut the door again and got dressed. I looked at the knife and it looked like it had Foxy's paw print. I put it in a bagging and went to bed.
~1:00 In the morning~
I woke up from a big-bang. I looked around and my bedroom door was open. I sigh and I saw a light coming from the hallway. I got up and opened my door and there was Luke playing with the knife. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey Elizabeth, have they been bothering you?" I shook my and walked away slowly. Than he started to walk toward me. I went in the room and locked the door.

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