Part 3

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The H hour

Tapping his foot, staring at the gate, Rohit's anxiety was increasing exponentially every second. He was anyway uncomfortable sitting in the visitor's chair instead of the doctor's, he disliked not being the one in control while in the hospital, moreover all this waiting got him fretting. He had been waiting for some 2 minute now, yeah! just 120 seconds but they felt like two hours to him.

Entered Dr. Tiwari, holding a blue file in her hand. That blue file did not leave Rohit's sight during her walk from the gate to the desk.

"Hello Dr. Rohit. How are you Mrs. Sippy? "

"M fine Dr. Tiwari, the pain killers you prescribed ensured my arm didn't hurt"

"Good. Aapki reports aagyi hai, aur ghabrane ki koi baat nai hai.. The biopsy reports have come out negative.
Bas ek benign tissue lump hai jise ham ek chotese procedure se dissolve kar sakte hain. Wo procedure aap kabhi bhi karwa sakti hain."

Rohit sighed of relief, he released the breath he did not know he was holding.
Too many emotions running through his head out of which he couldn't gather any. He wanted to thank every god he knew about, he wanted to hug Sonakshi with all his might, he wanted to shout to the world that his Sona was okay. But he sat still, his body refused to listen to his mind. His vision got hazy and a silent tear rolled down his eye

He thanked Dr. Tiwari with a broken voice and what ever words he could manage and held Sonakshi's hand guiding her out of there. They walked to his cabin in silence, oblivious to the surroundings

Sonakshi's mind was still registering was she heard. All her previously unnerving thoughts were now slowly being replaced by tranquil and gratifying ones. She thanked her stars, also promised to love & value the life a little more now.

They entered the cabin and he locked the door behind them. He pulled her in a bone crushing hug. Tears streaming down his face. "Sona" a soft whisper left his lips.
She made her grip around him tighter. He pulled her closer. He had never felt this way before. He felt like he just got his life back and now he was holding it in his arms and would never let go. Days of trepidation melting into tears.

They broke from the hug after what felt longer than eternity. They stared into each others eyes, where even with blurred visions they could descry the love in the pair in front of them, before fusing their lips into a heart melting kiss imbued with relief and happiness.

If they were ever to be asked to journal the last three days of their lives, this is all they'd remember, just this, this feeling which they were feeling right now, the one they'll never be able to explain. This feeling of feeling everything but feeling nothing.

_________________ 🌸🌸🌸 _________________

Well, this one has come to an end, finally. I hope it was even a tad bit worth of your wait.

But ladies, I would urge each n everyone of you to please test yourself every 6 months. You can get all the required information about breast cancer: it's symptoms, at home test process, further procedures,etc from the internet; early detection can make it so much easier.

So please, educate yourselves about this.

And also try n spread awareness about it as much as you can, your one small step might save someone's life.

Thank you for all the patience and love

Singing off
Pri 💗

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