Whats this feeling

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When I saw the message I couldn't believe it
It was 1:00 am you said we were on a break now
I broke down crying till 2 am, it really hurts
We talked till 3 you promised we would be a couple again
You still love me you said
We are staying really good friends till we are together once more
Hopefully next time we are dating it's the last time till we wed
It's been two days since then
I still hurt but I keep it hidden from all
We still talk day and night it's like we're still together
Except for the no I love you's or nicknames
I can't understand why it hurts still
Why I of all people am crying over a guy
What does that mean when the hurt won't go away
Does it mean our love is real and true
Or did you just break my heart into a million pieces
I hope it was the former because I don't want a broken heart
Praying to god this break won't be for long
So I sit here watching you flood my phone with texts
Still I wonder what the hurting means
If my heart is whole or in pieces
Tell me please just tell me the hurt is because our love is real and true
For now the hurt is still here and I still don't know why

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