4~ ◻Claustrophobia◻

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A/N : Hi everyone ! This will be a "negative" one-shot.

I am claustrophobic so I know what I'm talking about. But I never experienced this exact "scene" so I wrote it as I would probably react.

I put a picture of an elevator because I HATE them ! They're so small !

WARNING : panic attack.

Let's start !

 Pain shot through my body as my knees and hands hit the cold floor. The door slammed closed and I heard them lock it. Footsteps running away, then nothing. It was dead silent. As I recovered from my shock, I quickly got up and banged at the door.

"Hey ! Get me out of here !" I screamed.

But no one answered. The halls were empty. I look around the storage closet they threw me into. I shouldn't have.

It was small. Very small.

The walls seemed way to close to me. A little ray of light could be seen from under the door but it was other wise dark. I couldn't make out what was in here but I didn't care anymore.

My heart started racing. "No no no no no" I kept thinking. I frantically tried opening the door but it was useless. It wouldn't budge. I yelled for help for what seemed like hours but everyone was gone. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I held my sore fists to my chest. I slid down a wall, holding my legs as close as I could. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to forget I was in a very small closet, alone, in the dark.

I tried calming myself down, drawing shallow breaths. It worked for a little while but my mind kept coming back to reality.

"How long am I going to stay here ? How can I get out ? What if no one finds me ?" my mind races with questions as I start panicking again. My breathing quickened and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest any second. I sob in my hands and try to think about something else. Anything else. I hit the floor strongly, trying to distract myself from the fear that keeps creeping into my stomach. I grit my teeth as I cradle my hurt hand. I can't stay like this. I'm going to go crazy !

It felt like an eternity until I heard a key turning in the door. I froze. I was too tired to have noticed the steps approaching my prison. I didn't make a sound as the door flew open. The bright light blinded me as I jumped out of the closet into the arms of my savior. I had no clue who they were but I didn't care. I heard a surprised gasp and warm arms wrapping around me a few seconds later. My breathing slowed as well as my heart. The stress and adrenaline evaporated and giant waves of tiredness washed over me. My grip loosened and I slowly fell asleep in the arms of the mysterious person that rescued me.

A/N : What did you think ? Don't hesitate to comment and/or write a request !

 Thanks for reading ! :)

~ Joyleaf

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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