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Chiandra made her way to her lab. It was there, she heard activity. She stepped in, and seen a 'figure' hunched over one of her

microscopes. " Hello?", she asked. The Figure turned, IT was Chiandra. The 'mirror'  with a 'plastic' blindfold walked over to Chiandra,

and whipped it ofF. .....

A horrified scream filled the corridor. Dax Razz was the first to reach the lab, to see Chiandra on the floor reduced to a ' whimpering

chid'. She looked up and clung to him. " I walked in..., seen a copy of myself...., she took off her blindfold for me to see the dark voids of

retinas without eyes!", she said. Razz, helped her stand. Goldian walked over to Chiandra's door, as Razz stepped out.

" What has happened?", he asked. " Just a shock, Captain. I given her a sleep mad to help calm her.", replied Razz.

" Request permission to investigate our 'encounter'." " Granted. Anything which can reduce Chiandra in such a state, needs to be

looked into.", said Goldian. 

Razz, stepped back into his quarters, and seen what he thought was a hologram of himself. The 'image' stepped over to him, and

touched his temple.

* Razz and the crew was running away, A Red saber blade, his cousin Suzanne crying, and a metal 'chest'. *

Razz, found himself alone, in his quarters.

The crew was gathered in the Commons Area. " First, I found ' some ' information on, 'Ghost Dagger'. Young Dolan was partially

correct. That ship was registered to, Takeel's 'family' not Takeel. After, his Male members passed, he had inherited the property,

including the ship. " " I was 'partially' right.", Dolan joked. " When I looked further into the background, I discovered the ship and

crew were highly decorated during The Clone Wars. Ghost Dagger was effectively, a 'spy vessel'.", said Dax. " * long whistle *

You learn much everyday.", said DaMarr. " Ghost Dagger was credited with 100 successful missions. But, 'her' last one, is the stuff

of, legend, folklore, and conspiracy. The ship and crew was assigned to, * goes to holotable, and a Red hologram appears *

'SHOAL:'.", said Razz. " Heard of the place. Bad news. Heard it was a major Sith World, where a lot of Sith cults got started.

I heard there's still rituals being performed there.", said Teemar. " Indeed. At the time of Ghost Dagger's assignment, Shoal was

abandoned. Her crew, was ordered to recover any or all Sith artifacts, including Holocrons.", said Razz.

" Assigned by Palapatine himself, no doubt.", said Kreeto. " Yes. And, we all know Sith Holocrons, are no joke, either.", said Razz.

" Of course, noone heard from them again.", said Razz. " And, we all know how dangerous a Sith influence is.", said Goldian.

" Again, a remainder.", said Kreeto. " So, what can we do?", asked Chassey. " Don't know. Never encountered a ' Ghost Ship' before.",

replied Razz. " All right, let's head back to our quarters, but remain on the alert.", odered Goldian.

" Chiandra, I'll escort you back to your quarters.", said Razz. " I could..." " It's O.k., Dolan. I trust Razz.", she replied.

As, they slowly walked back to her room, " Thanks, Razz, for helping me.", she said. " Think nothing of it. You are like my own

STAR WARS, NIGHT DAGGER, GHOST DAGGERWhere stories live. Discover now