Twelve | Rotten Heart

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SHE needed to think about it.

That was what Margot had told Draco when he'd proposed an added facet to their relationship. Not "of course!" or "let's start right now," or even "yes, Daddy." She'd looked him right in the eye and said she would have to consider it. Consider him. As though he were the foul half-breed.

He didn't even know why he'd made the offer in the first place. One minute he was praying the Mudblood wouldn't accidentally kill him with some wild gust of magic, and the next she was kneeling between his legs like she was about to blow him. And the worst part was - Draco wanted her to. Badly.

As soon as he'd returned to his own room, his abdomen nicely healed despite everything, he'd immediately shed his clothes and gone to take a very long, very cold shower.

By the time the first task rolled around later that day, Draco was starting to regret the things he'd said in that glorified broom closet. His mental faculties had been dispossessed by pain and lust - he hadn't actually wanted fuck the Mudblood.


At least his assignment from Voldemort had been a success. If all went according to plan, Potter would pass this trial with flying colors and they'd all be one step closer to whatever heartwarming conclusion the Dark Lord had planned.

The first task was set to take place in a dilapidated arena just outside the Hogwarts castle. He'd made the trek there with Crabbe and Goyle, and sat with them on one of the topmost bleachers. This section of the arena was less crowded than the rest, and even had a barricaded section that offered a bit of privacy.

Draco and his friends sat just behind it, watching as Cedric Diggory battled a Swedish Short-Snout below. But he hardly paid attention as the Hufflepuff tosser turned a nearby rock into a dog in an unclever bid to distract the dragon.

"Care to place a bet, Malfoy?" one of the Weasley twins asked, coming up behind him.

Draco didn't even bother to turn around. "That short on funds, George?"

"I'm Fred" came the indignant reply.

"Does it really make a difference?" Draco snapped. "I don't care to place a bet. Now go away, before I bewitch one of these dragons into attacking you. I've always wanted to see how fast a Weasley can run."

Next to him, Crabbe perked up. "I'll place a bet, Fred!"

Draco rolled his eyes as Fred sidled past him with a glare, muttering something about Malfoys and rotten hearts. He didn't take the trouble to engage the twin, otherwise he might have made a few choice comments about their empty Gringotts vault.

Instead, Draco's gaze continued to roam the surrounding audience before he spotted a familiar dark-haired girl sitting by herself in the barricaded section. His pulse spiked.

"I'll be right back," he muttered to Crabbe and Goyle, already getting out of his seat.

Within a moment, he was shoving past the neighboring onlookers, who oohed and ahhed as Cedric did his best to steal that wretched golden egg. Draco used a particularly annoying child's head as leverage to leap into the empty space next to Margot, landing on his two feet effortlessly.

The Mudblood didn't even notice his presence at first, too preoccupied with how Cedric Diggory was performing. Draco was unused to being overlooked, especially in favor of someone else, and didn't quite know what to do with the jealousy that flooded him.

"Montgomery," he said, waving a hand in front of her face to get her attention. "Montgomery."

Her eyes went wide when she finally acknowledged him.

"D-Draco," she stuttered, glancing around as if to make sure no one saw them together. But other than the crowd's rowdy cheers and a small family sitting near the back end of the barricade, they were alone. Did she really think he'd be caught talking to her in front of everyone?

Draco made sure to keep a safe distance from her as he began, "Listen, about last night . . ."

Margot's eyes grew wider. "Oh, I still have to think about it. More. About your offer, I mean. I -"

Suddenly, the audience emitted a unanimous gasp. In the arena, Cedric held his golden egg aloft - just as his dragon tired of the dog and sent a stream of fire hurdling in his direction. He barely had time to shield his own face against the blaze.

"Cedric!" Margot rushed forward in worry, trying to get a better view.

Draco felt a simmering anger stir within him as she gripped the barrier separating her from the arena, making sure the shit-haired moron was all right.

"As I was saying," Draco seethed, "it'd been a long night for me, Montgomery . . . I wasn't exactly in the right mindset and all . . . I hope you don't think that I'd actually consider . . ."

But Margot wasn't paying his words - his rejection - any mind. Rather, she continued to watch as the dragon was promptly caged and Cedric stumbled out of harm's way, toward the Victors' Tent. Except before he managed to enter the flap, a Ravenclaw girl intercepted him, throwing her arms around his neck.

Finally, some real entertainment, Draco thought with a grin. He turned to the pale Margot, overcome with a morbid sort of satisfaction.

"Looks like I was right about Diggory all along," he drawled, leaning his arm over the railing. "Pity, isn't it?"

For a moment, she said nothing, only continued to stare as Cho Chang enveloped Cedric in a touching hug, peppering kisses all over his burnt face.

"I've made up my mind," Margot said suddenly, expression hardening with resolve. "You're right, Malfoy. What's the harm in a little fun?"

His eyebrows furrowed, caught off guard by the abrupt shift. "What do you - ?"

But before he could react, she was drawing him in by the collar and kissing him, causing Draco's spoiled, rotten heart to do an odd sort of flicker.

Just a tiny one.



Also, don't worry, the love triangle between Margot, Draco, and Cedric will continue to develop. We just needed a bit of *spice*

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