As I walked into the main hall with all the other first years I was terribly nervous. Professor McGonagall called my name and I walked up the the sorting hat and sat in a chair.
' Anything but slytherin...' I thought "SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled and I was shocked. I got up and walked over to the slytherin table and sat at the end by nobody . I didn't eat because I wasn't hungry anymore. Then Draco came over to me and sat down. Pansy sat across from me. Draco said " Well! Aren't you gonna eat?" With a harsh tone I just got up and went to the girls bathroom Pansy followed me. But I didn't know that. I fell on the bathroom floor and cried silently for 20 minutes and then I fixed my makeup so nobody would know. And I went back to the dining hall once I got back to the dining hall I saw Pansy, standing on a table with all the teachers glaring at her, but not doing anything "IT LOOKS LIKE A CRY BABY IS BACK!!" She yelled and started laughing. I just stood there thinking of what to say. Then I stood on the table pushed her off and yelled "AND IT LOOKS LIKE PRISSY PANSY IS ON THE FLOOR! HMMM WHO DOES SHE LIKE.. OH YEAH ITS QUITE OBVIOUS SHE LIKES MALFOY!" Everyone started laughing even malfoy. And Pansy started crying and I jumped off the table and bent over so we were on the same level and said "Who's the crybaby now bitch" she punched my face and I knew my punches weren't strong but I kicked her stomach with made her throw up on professor Snape. He was shocked and he quickly took Pansy and left. I walked over to my table and sat down "No malfoy I'm not gonna eat" I said. Soon enough we had to go to our dorms and draco was showing me when Hermione and Harry came up behind me and draco and Harry said "STAY AWAY FROM HER MALFOY!" And glared at him. "It's hard to stay away from my girlfriend Pottah" he said with a smirk on his face at that moment Ron came up and almost punched malfoy but I kicked him in the shin and turned away flipping my hair and walked to the common room with Draco

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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