No One Else

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It has been a couple of days since Yue and Dylan arrived together at their new home. The feeling is very strange, but also extremely comforting.

The day after they arrived, they went to Darren's place to look for Yue's things. Dylan did thank him for supporting Yue when she most needed it. Without his help during the reality show, things would have been a lot more complicated for her. Dylan also apologizes for doubting Darren's friendship.

Today our couple decides to go to the grocery store together because they need some food. They were used to hiding all the time; however, it is not necessary anymore. It's time to face the world and shop openly!

- Let's get some rice, Shen Yue.

- We have rice.

- No, we don't.

- Yes, we do. I saw it.

- I used it for dinner, remember?

- Really?

- Yes.

- Oh. OK.

Next aisle.

- We need yogurt for breakfast. Which one do you like?

- Soy, unsweetened.

- Yuck! That has no taste.

He comes back with regular vanilla yogurt.

- That's sugar and dairy! No way! I can't eat that.

- I couldn't find the one you asked.

- I'll get it.

Dylan puffs and Yue huffs. But in-between, he hugs her from behind or puts his hand over hers on the kart.

This kind of conversation and behavior goes on until they leave the supermarket, and fans are in awe of them, posting every bit of cute videos online. Their bickering and charming arguments are getting thousands of views. People love them together and their agencies start to notice this has a lot of potential.

In the car, after getting the groceries

Dylan is driving home, and Yue is on the copilot seat.

- Dylan, I need to stop at the pharmacy before going home.

- Alright. What do you need?

- I got my pill prescription. I need to start taking it again. I will get my... ahem... soon... You know...

He looks at her with his eyebrows way up high.

Period, silly! And watch the road!


- That means... No babies? – he asks sad.

Yue frowns.

- We just got back together! Besides, our contracts do not allow us to have children while working. My contract will be up in 3 years, we'll talk about it then.

That's a long time... - he thinks a little heartbroken.

- My life, have you ever seen a pregnant Chinese actress? Our jobs don't leave us any time for children. We will have barely time for us. And we need to find another means for supporting our family before we have kids.

- I know. I just... I got so excited... Do you still want to have children with me?

Yue looks at him sweetly.

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