Walls Built By Rules

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Note: In all honesty, this is just a fic to help me figure out how to use this thing. This is the place I'm using to dump all my stories I write that use to help cure writer's block. So if they ain't the best, sorry in advance, but please enjoy!


"It's a Royal Law?" Elena blinked. "Why can't Isa be close to a commoner? I mean, she's only thirteen, it's not like she's developed feelings for him... right?"

The nineteen year old princess' Abuelo, shook his head. "Ah, Elena. No one is too young to develop armor."

"She's so young..." Elena set her hands on her cheeks.

"You needn't worry, Elena." Her Abuela said comforting. "They will not progress any further. They are free to have feelings, but they must wait until they're of age to go any further."

"But Doña Palõma said that it is against Avalor law that a Royal and a Commoner can become betrothed." Elena pulled on her hair in frustration.

"Perhaps they will get over it in time. They are only children after all and, in most cases, the feelings don't turn out to be actually love but just a silly little crush." Doña fanned her face.

"In most cases, not all." Elena pointed out. "What if it doesn't change, but only grows. It's a stupid rule. Why can't we change it?"

"That takes time, Elena." Abuelo shook his head. "It is not so easily done, but lucky for us, we have time to work on this law."

"How long does this process happen?" Elena looked up with hope.

"Depends. A few months. A few decades-"

"Decades!" Elena suddenly stood up from her chair. "No! It can't take that long!"

"Elena, this law is in place for many reasons. For the safety of the crown and-"

"But what about true love? What if your soulmate was not born into Royalty or is Royalty? Or even of Noble blood?" Elena pointed out. "Doesn't fate already have the person you're meant to be with picked out?"

"Yes, but as law has it, fate points your love to the royals and nobles." Doňa replied coolly.

"But it isn't right!" Elena snapped.

"We will work on it, but it is not an emergency, Elena. We have a few years before it even becomes a serious matter," Abuelo said.

She fell back in her seat with a frustrated sigh. Groaning, she put her face in her hands. Why? Did they not see how much this pained her? This wasn't just about Isabel and a probable, future problem caused by assumption that may subside all on it's own to begin with. Yes, it had to do with some of that, but it was not the point. She needed the fix this now, because it was now her problem.

"So why was this never brought up before? Esteban always seemed to throw every rule in my face before he..." she didn't want to finish that sentence.

"It was never an issue before now... was it?" Abuelo looked at his granddaughter.

She shrugged. "I don't like the law, not just for Isa, but for future generations. I want to work on changing it now."

The council sighed. "Of course, Elena, right after we resolve the fifth member of our council. With Naomi gone and her replacement now gone, we are missing a vote and voice."

"Right..." Elena put her chin in her hand, her elbow resting against her desk. "Is there a rule on the age?"

"Well... Naomi was fifteen when she started, but we shouldn't choose any younger than that. Though you're right, there isn't a law." Abuelo spoke slowly.

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