110 12 39

Forms for Participants:-

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

Forms for Participants:-

Name of your work:
Genre (OS/TS/FF/Long Story/SS/Collection Of Short Stories):
Number Of Chapters:
Completed Or Ongoing:
Is it Mature Or Not:
Did you follow the rules:
Tags (Minimum 7):


Forms for Judges:-

Preferred Genre:
Are you comfortable with Mature Content or not:
How many works can you judge in a week(Rate yourself between 1-10):
Followed the rules:
Tags (Minimum 7):


Stay tuned for the other fandoms' forms🤗

Dm us >>>>>> if you have any problem!❤️


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