kaoru coming out

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(Kh) "today's the day I'm gonna do it I'm gonna tell everyone I'm gay"

(Hh) hey kaoru common we can't be late for club

(Kh) coming

(H) hey guys

(Hh) hey haruhi need a hand with your bag?

(H) yeah

(Hh) *holds haruhi's bag* the boss and kyoya should be in the club room by now

(H) ok aari and Ritsu should almost be there as well

(Kh) "haruhi has been pregnant for almost five months now I don't understand what happened that drunk night but it won't seem well if I come out as gay and end up being the father to the baby but I won't let her down"

(Hh) *runs in club* we made it on time

(H) *lays on couch* this is always tiring

(K) you'll have to get used to it soon

(H) yeah

(Kh) guys can I have your attention before club starts

(T) what is it kaoru?

(Hh) is everything alright?

(Kh) I've been nervous to tell you all this after the announcement of haruhi being pregnant and I've been so nervous to come out and tell you all this

(H) it's ok kaoru you can tell us

(Kh) I'm gay I like men and haruhi if I'm the father of the baby I'll still be there in support to help you

(H) *hugs kaoru* we support you and I kinda already figured you were gay

(Kh) how?

(Hh) how would you know if he just came out to us

(H) well at the party he was making out with aari

(A) wha...? We were?

(H) that's how I figured out that you were gay but I wanted to give yourself the chance to come out when your not drunk but when your ready

(Kh) so if I was making out with aari then that would mean I'm not the father of the baby

(H) yeah your not the father

(A) so that's who my first kiss was?

(Kh) I guess so *nervous by aari*

(H) yeah but aari you were announcing you were gay to

(A) i jest never came out as well but if a guy was my first kiss then i accept it just like i accept you kaoru

(Kh) i accept you to aari

(H) *hugs kaoru and aari*

(Hh) we support you kaoru as your twin I will always support you

(Kh) thanks you guys so then that leaves hikaru, mori, kyoya and tamikie to figure out if their the father

(M) well I know I'm also not the father

(Ho) mori senpai was with me eating cake outside since mori was the one taking me home after the party

(Hh) so then that means

(T) it's only us three to figure out who's the father

(K) of haruhis daughter

(T) daughter? You know what gender the baby is kyoya?

(H) he volunteered to go with me since my father usually goes with me to my doctors appointment for the ultrasounds and the nurse told me it was a girl so I'm having a daughter

(Hh) that's wonderful haruhi

(T) aw a cute little girl

Pregnant Haruhi but who's the father?Where stories live. Discover now