Tig Needs Help

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"Thanks, brother." Persy said quietly before shutting the burner phone. Taking a deep breath she started shaking the big man next to her. "Babe, Hap wake up." Thankfully he was a very light sleeper.

He was up and processing quick. "What's wrong?" He rasped. "You guys got tagged. One of the dead workers landed in Charming limits. With your sheriff gone the rookie is pursuing." Happy processed that for a second before cursing and scrambling to get dressed.

She hurried to do the same. "Call Clay and get Jax while I dress?" She asked calmly. Her training knowing worrying didn't help anything. "Ya, I got it. SHIT!" He threw on his vest, dialing his Prez as he moved to Jax's door.


When they rode up on the building it seemed her contacts were ahead as always since the police had just arrived as well. Clay was quick to question what was happening.

"You're a little outside your jurisdiction, aren't ya, Hale?" He called to the new sherif. "Well, something blows up this close to your town... it would be bad law enforcement not to look into it." Ya, good police work, she thought with a slight snort.

"Well, this is county property. "Sanwa" sheriffs can handle this." Clay tried again. "You know this guy? Rodrigo Carpio?" Hale wasn't letting this go. She needed to know what he knew or thought he did. "No." Clay's simple answer seemed to make Hale smile. "Found him in the debris basin. Three bullets in his back. Bluebird Supply business card in his wallet." Persy had to stop herself from closing her eyes in frustration.

"From his rap sheet, I'm guessing he was employed as security." She would bet that he was from his build too. "No kidding?" Clay's only option was to say as little as possible. "He died 50 yards inside Charming. Bluebird warehouse is part of my murder investigation. And that's a warrant. In case you've never actually seen one."

Well, this brought on an entire new shit storm.


Persephone had just rolled to the picnic table to take a break after helping Hap with cars all day when she heard a conversation she truly wished she hadn't.

"You did time, shithead. You are in the D.N.A. Database." Clay was speaking loudly. "Yeah, I know." Tig, she would have bet money this would be an issue. "Forensics team gets ahold of those bodies.." Clay's voice carries the dire consequences.

"I'll go pull 'em out of there." Tig tried. "Hale's gonna be watching that warehouse day and night." Clay shot that down. "Well, maybe Trammel can sneak me in, you know? He's a county sheriff. He outranks the local P.D., right?"

"Oh, you're just gonna stroll out of there... with two dead whores draped over your shoulders?" Clay asked thick with sarcasm. "I'll gut them dead bitches. I'll flush their bellies with bleach. No D.N.A."

Clays next words were exactly what she thought. "What kind of nasty shit did your mama do to you?" Clay asked disgusted. "What do you mean?" Tig asked confused as he finished eating his candy bar.

"It's not about the manslaughter rap. CSU team test those bodies and Tig's DNA put the gun factory at our doorstep." Jax seemed to understand at least.

"And then ATF takes up permanent residence in our collective rectums." Juice correctly concluded.

"Warehouse sits on county property. It will take days to dispatch a forensic unit." Clay tried.

"It's a local case. County won't get involved." Juice shot the idea down. "Hale will just end up borrowing a team from Lodi."

"Hey Big Otto's sister still works for the ADA in Lodi. Call and see if there's a forensics team headed this way." She was ahead of Jax.

"There is." She said. "I made a call when I overheard Tig's...disturbing little story." She blew out a smoke ring as the guys made noises of disgust. She almost wanted to laugh at Tig's look of hurt.

"I'll call Unseer. Maybe I can convince the Chief to put a leash on his hyperactive deputy."

"Unseer's just waiting for the clock to run out." She had learned the chief had terminal cancer and that was the cause of his current leave.

Persephone lent her head back in thought. "If you provide a smoke screen I guess I can make a call." She probably wouldn't have offered if it weren't for Happy. She liked these guys but they were sloppy in their day to day.

"We really need to get Tig in a program." She said laughing with the guys.

"Well, I talked to Otto's sister. And a Lodi team will be here first thing in the morning." Juice confirmed her intel that night.

"And the shit keeps piling on my head." Clay lamented.

"Keep the cops from the warehouse scene for 30 minutes, Clay. If not my boys leave and you are shit out of luck." She wasn't in a good mood. She was in pain and Happy was on a run.

"We got it." Clay said though for some reason she wasn't reassured.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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