Percy Jackson, Aoba Johsai

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The next morning Percy was gone before Hinata woke up. So was Miles and Lavender. Percy had wrote a note to his small boyfriend about how much he loves him and wished he could have said goodbye in person, but didn't want to wake the boy.

Percy met up with his team at the airport, then as a group they made their way to Aoba Johsai because the team would have their living situation figured out for the week. Though, the entire drive to the school—they had to take four different cars—he was stuck listening to Lavender and Jake flirt for the hour long drive.

The 19U volleyball team all knew about the demigods, same as the coaches and managers, and they all knew that Percy wasn't willing to talk about the war. But ever since Miles tried to tell to Karasuno team about the wars, he's been easy to set off and stressed.

Miles kept pushing the boy to talk about it with someone, that it would help him. Lavender just wanted Miles to shut up because Percy looked ready to kill. So Miles was in a different car for the ride to Aoba Johsai, and Percy was making inappropriate comments about Lavender and Jake staying virgins for the duration of their trip.

The team was hoping to arrive at the school before they started practice, so they got an early flight and now, at 6:30 in the morning, the boys were pulling into the high school.

"Ah, it feels good to be on my feet now, we need to figure out where the coach is so we know where they plan on having us stay for this." Percy sighed out, eyeing Miles when he came closer.

"Hey, Perc-"

"If you tell me to 'talk about the war' one more time I'm going to cut your tongue out." Percy glared harshly, using his Wolf Glare.

Miles paled and nodded, walking back to the rest of the team. "Percy!" A voice yelled from the school gates.

"Tooru!" Percy yelled back, running and hugging the other male.

"I missed you! Kentarou has been mean to me and so has Iwa-chan. So come set me a ball then let me set you!" The setter yelled, grabbing the boys wrist.

"Hold on, we gotta get settled first. Do you know where we're staying?" Percy asked the brunette child of Athena.

"Yeah, follow me, I'll take you guys there. We have three empty classrooms for you guys. One for the managers, one for the coaches and one for the team members." Oikawa explained to the group.

"You guys just have extra classrooms laying around?" Brandon asked, a rude tone danced in his voice though.

Oikawa laughed awkwardly, "we had them cleared for your stay. School's out this week so it wouldn't interfere with anything."

Eric stepped forwards, smacking the back of Brandon's head, "sorry about him. He only has one tone of voice, disrespect."

Preston laughed lightly, "he's only respectful to Percy because of the shit he's been through."

"What do you mean 'what Percy's been through'?" Oikawa asked, pale because mortals weren't supposed to know about the Gods.

"They know everything except for the details of this last war. Gods said we could tell our teams and coaches so at the end of this camp we're telling your team." Percy stepped in, staring pointedly at the Japanese brunette.

"O-Oh. I thought we weren't supposed to tell mortals?" Oikawa asked.

"Percy begged the Gods because he loves us so much. Just like you'll be begging later~." Jaxon spoke, whispering the last bit in the Aoba Johsai setters ear.

Oikawa smirked, turning his head with only a minimal blush on his face, "are you sure I'm gonna be the one begging~?" He whispered back, causing the other boy to blush madly. He wasn't used to people saying stuff back.

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