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kenzies pov

great let's go and get you some new clothes, oh and we need to do something with your hair.

Annie's pov

I looked at her and noded
she motioned me to follow her so I got up and elft the cafeteria with her.


I'm going to be introducing you to your new bestfriends!

I faked a smile and followed her outside and saw a group of girls.

Hey girls this is Annie she is in our friend group now so be nice or you out!

Okay Annie introduce yourslef.

Hi I'm Annie Im 18 I have been homeschooled my whole life until now. um..i have a little sister named Harmony she can be a pain sometimes and I had..a bestfriend named John but something's don't workout right?

they laugh.

John's probably a nerd here. Kenzie says an everyone but this one girl laughs.

I look at her slightly smile.

Okay girls introduce yourselves now. kenzies says while smiling

Hi I'm lilia, I'm jayden, I'm Nadia, and I'm lauren!

I look at Lauren she was the one who didn't laugh...why'd she not laugh isn't she popular?

I smiled again.

Hey girls do you mind if I Barrow Lauren for a quick sec?

They all nod and Lauren follows me into the hallways.

Hey what's up annie?

why do you look like my ex bestfriend?

How am I supposed to know Annie I don't even know this dude.

Annie grabs her phone and shows her a picture.

Holy shit I do look like him..

isn't that creepy lauren?

yea it is... come you didn't laugh back there when they called John a nerd...?

well you see Annie I'm not really like them. I'm not a ride stubborn bitch who only cares about popularity. I actually have feelings and I thought that was rude of them to say that.

I mean he was your bestfriend you've probably been through so much together nd they just start being rude and talk crap about him wouldn't you feel bad.

I look at Lauren and smile.

Yea I would be mad, but anyways I think we're going to get along pretty well I already like you.

Yes you already like me because I'm not a stuck-up bitch.

me and Lauren both laugh and heard the bell ring.

Hey Annie what class do you have?

I have History.

So do i!!

omg yay!

let's go!

Me and Lauren link arms and started walking into history.

I walked into history and didn't see john..he must have left early...i snapped out of my thought and heard the teacher talking to me.

Yes sorry Mrs.Williams
I won't be late again. It's fine julianna. heyy could you call me Annie I don't really like julianna...yea of course!

Me and Lauren sat down in the back of the class, we were talking the whole time during history.

If I'm going to be honest I think leaving John for popularity was my best decision because now I've met Lauren Kenzie lilia jayden and Nadia.

I can tell were all going to be bestfriends by the look of it, they make me feel as if I can do anything I want people respect me.

You might think it's a dumb decision for leaving John for popularity but if you were in my shoes you would do the same thing, leave the boy he's not worth your time it's highschool.

People change and I'm changing for the better he has to understand that.

Im not going to be the same little girl he knew when were were babies im growing up it's apart of life, he should grow up to.

I roll my eyes of the thought and left class without saying anything to the teacher.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around.

I think turning around wasn't my best decisions to make it saw someone who I didn't wanna see ever again..

HEHEHE I left you with a cliffhanger also do you like this so far I'm not sure if I like this that much but let me know because I'm a but iffy I might discontinue it if I don't like it anymore tho sooooooooo yea okay bye <3

- 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat