The meeting

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"Dobby is fReEeEeE" Dobby screeched, racing down the hallway holding one of Potter's crusty musty ass socks.

Lucius was infuriated with Harry for freeing Dobby so he whipped out his magic stick and said "avada kedavra", ending the life of the child Voldemort had a strange infatuation with.

Harry's body plopped to the floor and with a boop he was dead.

"Oh" said Dobby, as he stopped and turned around. "Whatever he was a pompous little bitch anyways" and kept running down the corridor.

At the end of the hall he tripped over his long delicious toes and accidentally fell into the girls bathroom.

As he stood up and dusted himself off he heard a loud "SCHHABABGS", almost shart-like. 

"Nessa"? he whispered into the darkness.

He heard a voice whisper back "no- "

"but why would a boy be in the girls bathroo-"

A loud "Büëjeÿs" noise interrupted him

"Dixie"? he whispered

"No, tis I the Basilisk"

Dobby turned around and saw the juiciest, most delicious looking sneck standing in front of him.

A loud moan escaped Dobby's mouth.

"Oh you like thisss to do you?" slithered the sneck

Dobby quickly averted his eyes and turned around, because the gorgeousness was too much for him to handle.

Dobby x BasiliskWhere stories live. Discover now