A clue for me

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The next day, I went to my old home and talked with my family about what happened that day. We had some lunch together too.
           After having lunch, my sister said "brother, can I talk to you?"
            We went to get ice cream too, and she said "I had seen Takashi in a van, I followed it on my cycle and took some pictures too." she handed me the photos. I was shocked. I scolded her for doing such risky thing and thanked her for the clue.
              "I went inside a very dark place near the pizza place. I followed the people in the van and they led me to cages stacked up with animals inside it." she said.
                 She asked me to not to tell this to mom and I promised to keep it a secret.
                "I couldn't get more closer because I heard people coming in and banging the doors so I left the place" she said.
                    We got the ice cream and then we went straight home. Both of us didn't tell any of this to mom.

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