Chapter 5: The Ruins(part 2)

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As the fight ends, Toriel was greatly proud of Spinel once again. Warmth filled her gem again, It made Spinel happy to make her happy, that was her purpose. Regardless, it was gonna be a long day. Spinel followed Toriel again, to another puzzle.


After a short while of crossing paths of monsters and walking across a spiked bridge, Toriel lead Spinel to a long, wide hallway. Toriel smiled warmly down at her. 

"You have done excellently thus far, my child." She said softly, "However... I have a difficult request to ask of you." 

Spinel suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness settle within her, telling her that something was about to go wrong. Toriel said nothing for a moment. 

"I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself." Toriel said, making Spinel freeze in place, "Forgive me for this." 

As Toriel suddenly speed walked to the end of the room, Spinel looked as though she had seen a ghost. She could only listen to the sound of Toriel retreating footsteps, becoming quieter and quieter.  Spinel snapped partly out of her trace to see the Toriel completely removed from view, she was filled with a familiar sense of déjà vu, she ran through the hall faster than you can say "Mom's spaghetti." 

Spinel stood next to a tall, white pillar as she saw her life flash before her eyes. Pink, the garden, the diamonds, they all flooded back into her head. Tears brim her eyes as she fails to notice Toriel walking from behind the pillar. 

"Greetings, my child." Toriel said, "Do not worry, I did not--" She stops mid-sentence to look down on Spinel's rigid form. She was shaking in place, her eyes staring into nothing as she had hot tears spilling down her flushed cheeks while she hugged herself for comfort. Perhaps asking her to perform such an act was not the best choice...

Toriel rushed to her aid, wrapping her arms around Spinel in a warm comforting hug. "My child, I am so sorry! I never meant to worry you! I was merely behind this pillar the whole time!" She explained hopefully, feeling Spinel stretch and tighten her arms around her. Spinel sobbed roughly into Toriel's robes, filled with relief that no had left her. Toriel released Spinel from the hug and wiped away her tears and slightly runny nose. 

"I want to thank you for trusting me," Toriel said, confusing the poor gem, "There was an important reason for this exercise." Spinel looked at her in a way that Toriel couldn't quite describe. It looked something like betrayal, compassion, confusion, and heartache mixed together. 

"...To test your independence." She said finally, "But I can see now that was a mistake." Toriel brushed Spinel's hair as she continued. 

"I misjudged you for your self-sufficiency, I thought you were ready to stand for yourself. But I was wrong. You weren't ready, you are still learning." She said warmly, wrapping her in another hug. What she said was right, she's still learning. And until she is ready, she will need some help to stand on her own two feet. "And there is nothing wrong with that either," She explained once again, "Don't feel afraid to ask for help for anything, whatever it is, I will be there for you." 

Spinel didn't know what to say. Or do for that matter. No one had ever truly said those words to her, that she needed help or to ask someone for help. All she could do was take it all in as she continued to hug the fluffy monster. 

After another few minutes of hugging, Toriel released the smaller gem, standing in place, looking down on with a soft look. 

"I must attend to some business, and..." Toriel said, thinking of what to say next. Yes, she could let Spinel stay here by herself, but she didn't truly know how long she was going to be gone, which could send the pink gem into a complete panic attack, so that's not an option. 

Then an obvious idea popped into her head. "You are perfectly welcome to come along with me if you wish, Would you like to?" The goat monster asked, stretching out her hand for Spinel to take. Almost immediately, Spinel nodded quickly and took Toriel's fluffy hand... paw??

"Thank you, my child. It's dangerous to explore by yourself." She said, "I have an idea, this is just an extra precaution if we accidentally get separated. I will give you a CELL PHONE." Toriel then handed Spinel a small rectangular box with a flat screen and keychain attached to it. 

"For any emergencies. If you have a need for anything, just call." Spinel looked at Toriel in awe. No one had ever thought to have such... determination for her own safety and well-being before, at that point she had officially appointed Toriel as her adoptive Mother-best friend-figure. 

To be continued... (837 words!)

(Short af, I know, I had to update sometime)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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