Cyborgs and Humans

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I could feel the breath of wind on my face.It was so rare. This type which doesn't make you want to go inside your house.The type which makes you want to enjoy the nature.I nearly snorted.What nature? When you live in a metropolitan city which has more humanoids and cyborgs than humans. I used to grow up hearing stories about society where people socialised with each other. My grandmother was the only who actually talked with me.But she died when I was nine years old.

My father was one who never really talked .It was just the occasionally passing Hi's and Byes.Nine years has passed since my grandma's death.The government will be re established. There is going to be one government for the whole world and it is not even going to be led by humans .It will be led by cyborgs. My father worked as the main scientist who developed the cyborg that will be the ultimate one.The one that will have the same thinking power as humans.Today he is going to activate it .

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see a guy about my age standing across me frantically searching for something.

"Hello",I said.

He finally looked up to me .His eyes widened on seeing me.He ran towards me.

"Are you Melissa.The daughter of Scientist R.Stephens",he asked breathless.

I nodded slightly suspicious about why he was asking me this.

He finally calmed down.

"What is today's date?",he asked.

I raised my eyebrows.

"25 th September",I replied.

"No I meant the year",he said.

"He must be a mad man",I thought.

"It's 2098",I finally replied after staring at him for a moment.

He nodded as if he expected this and asked,"So this is the day that the ultimate cyborg is going to be launched ,right?"

I was in shock .This was known only to a select few.I took the gun which was hidden inside my jacket and pointed it at him.

"Who are you?Are you a spy",I asked him.I was ready to shoot him if it was necessary.

"No look I am not a spy.You have to trust me in this.I come from the future.Where the government is being led by the humanoids.There are only a few humans left.And the ones which are left are treated as if they were animals.",he said.

I lowered the gun in my hands a little.

"Look I will take you to the mental institution as soon as you tell me from where you know about the information",I said to him.

He looked as if I was the one who went mad.

Seeing his look,I said finally,"Okay,if what you are saying is true .Then why do you need me?"

He looked so relieved that I was letting him speak.

"You have to hear me out completely.If the ultimate cyborg is launched it will lead to the destruction of the world. I come from the year 2171.As they have their own thinking capacity they will develop themselves furthur. And the government which will be led by them is not going to be successful.Humans will be under the control of them.So we have to stop the launch,before it gets out of our hands.",he completed.

I looked at him completely bewildered.

"Prove it.",I said.

"Prove what?",he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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