It is raining.

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It is raining.
The water is dripping down my hat. It is cold, freezing cold. Around two hours ago it went dark. I cant even see where I'm walking anymore.
I am still searching.
I hear something behind me, but i don't turn around. Am i scared? Or just obsessed? the noice comes closer. I don't turn around. I think of all the things that could be making that noice. I get more scared.
I am still searching.
My legs hurt from the walking. I don't think i can keep walking much longer. I want to sit down so badly, but i keep going.
I am still searching.
I lost track of time a while ago. Why do i even need time? Time is irrelevant. It is not useful. Time is just annoying.
I am still searching.
I see something in the distance. Is that it? It that what i am looking for?
People say that you need to enjoy life
But i say something else.
Life is the whole package, funny but also something else.
The feeling that you have when you see someone else being bullied.
That is also life.
Life is more than just emotions.
Life is feeling.
Life is loving.
Life is far more than you humans can imagine.
Life is more than you and me.
Life is everything and nothing.
Life is more than just work or school.
Life is the feeling you have when you unwrap a present.
That is life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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