Sana, Sana

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    Sometimes the scar on his face would hurt worse than usual. These times were not exactly popular with Rider, who would angrily twist and turn in bed, unable to sleep because he'd just see teal every time he closed his eyes. 

"You're still awake?"

Rider jumped at the soft whisper beside him, near-ready to throw hands before calming down at the sight of Emperor's golden eyes in the dark. "Yes? What's it to you?"

Emperor had been sleeping over tonight, and he laid at Rider's side as they shared Rider's bed. It was almost embarrassing the first time around, but it's a routine the two indulged in often enough nowadays. Sharing the bed wasn't even as embarrassing as the morning after, when Rider awoke to him and Emp's fingers intertwined, but he didn't wanna dwell on that.

Emperor stared at Rider a bit longer, sleepily, before pulling himself up in a sitting position and rubbing his eyes. "It's okay, just talk to me."

Rider scoffed, swinging his feet over the side of the bed and turning away from Emp. "It's nothing, go back to sleep."

Emp wrapped his arms around Rider's waist. "Is that so?" he asked, a slight teasing tone escaping from his lips unintentionally. It's Emperor- you get used to it. Rider's face began to warm, and he roughly shoved Emp off of him.

"Don't start, asshole!" Rider hissed at him.

"Okay, okay, fair."

Rider sighed, deeply, before brushing his fingers against the bottom edge of the burn scar. Emperor blinked, realizing what was happening.

"...ah. That again."


Emperor paused for a moment before gently placing his hand on Rider's arm. "Hey, hey, come here."

Rider turned to him, pouting. "Why?"

"Just trust me." Rider rolled his eyes but allowed himself to be coaxed back onto the bed fully, allowed Emperor to drape the blanket around his shoulders. "My mom and sister used to do this for me whenever Prince or I scraped ourselves."

Rider raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't call this a scrape, but-"

"Just shut up." Good old-fashioned rival dynamic. Emperor took a breath before reaching up to hold Rider's face, rubbing the scar with his thumb. "Sana, sana, colita de rana. Si no sanas hoy, sanarás mañana."

"...what are you doing?"

"It's a rhyme. Heal, heal, frog's tail. If it doesn't heal today, maybe tomorrow... it... sounds nicer in Spanish, I think. It's supposed to help you feel better."


"Is it working?"


Emp smiled gently, and repeated the rhyme until Rider began to feel drowsy again. He laid his head in Emp's lap, brave in the face of vulnerability around him, at least. When his breathing began to steady, Emp kissed his closed eyelids and adjusted him back into the bed, satisfied with his work. Isn't it a king's job to protect those he cared about?

Sana, SanaWhere stories live. Discover now