Chapter 1: the beginning

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Lily walked down to the head boy and girl compartment expecting to find Remus, but as she slid open the door there sat James Potter. Evans? Said James in surprise, Lily jumped back and stood there for a minute. James was tall, fit, and he seemed to be rather charming He wore round glasses and he always kept his licorice black hair messy. W-w Lily stuttered to find words, James stood up and walked towards her, let me help with your trunk he said as he grabbed it and stuffed it in the over head compartment. Lily did nothing to stop him, so she said at a loss for words. James smiled, and said well, I'm head boy! I was sure Remus would get it but wooow I did. Lily was puzzled James was being kind to her. She looked at him and she got butterflies in her stomach, he was so tall and handsome. Potter how did you become head boy, asked Lily. I dunno, he said. Lily stayed silent for the rest of the ride there, when she walked into the great hall she remembered that her friends had been a year older then her, so they left Hogwarts. She sighed she would be all alone this year. As she helped some food onto her plate James sat down next to her, she pretended not to notice him. Um Evans, you know as head boy and girl we have to share a common room but we get our own dorms he said. Lily nearly chocked on her potatoes, what?! She exclaimed. Yup he said. Oh ok said Lily, she was not sure this would go well. After dinner Lily raced up the stairs to the head boy and girl dorm, James following after her. Well we have to choose a password said Lily, Oh how about whiskey piskey, said James. Really? Said lily rolling her eyes thats all you could think of? Uh piskey whiskey, he suggested timidly, FINE said Lily annoyed, whiskey piskey! The password is whiskey piskey, she said to the centaur painting. The portrait swung open revealing the common room for the head boy and girl. There were to dorms one labeled girl and the other labeled boy, the sofa was long with fine red leather and the rug was faux fur white. Against the wall were two cherry desks with leather arm chairs. James' jaw dropped as he stared around the room. Lily was In pure shock, this was the finest common room she had ever seen. Lily Dragged her trunk up to her dorm and James did the same. Wow she thought as she looked around her dorm, there was a king sized four poster bed, and vanity. The view from the window was amazing, and when she opened the empty wardrobe she was amazed by how much space there was it would be a great place to play hide and seek! The rug was also faux fur except it was off white, the curtains were a beautiful light lavender, and there was a cherry wood desk against the wall opposite of her vanity, it also had an arm chair. Lily flopped on her bed, wow such an amazing dorm all to myself, she unpacked the things from her trunk and decided to go back down to her common room. There on sofa was James, he was muttering something, Lily only caught a few words, she hates, just give up. Lily walked down the small staircase, and said oh hi Potter, LILY, he exclaimed, it's Evans, she replied. Oh sorry he mumbled, um L- I mean Evans, do you think we could be friends maybe. He pulled out a small pack from his pocket and handed it to Lily.
She opened the package to find her favorite dessert treacle fudge, TREACLE FUDGE! She exclaimed, wow thanks Ja- Potter. So what do you say said James holding out his hand, I think friends is a good place to start she said as she shock his hand. She sat down on the couch and James sat down next to her, can I have some he asked, Oh alright said Lily as she handed him one.

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