Day Three

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Day: Three

Fuu giggled as she clutched onto Yamamoto’s arm. Yes, this was the final act of her plan and if this didn’t work then nothing would. “Oh Yama-kun you’re so funny!” She said. Yes Yamamoto knew exactly what she was doing and while he didn’t like it, he was too much of a good guy to say no to her.

However as soon as they stepped on school grounds a tonfa was aimed at the pair. Yamamoto shielded Fuu successfully as the brunette hit the ground beneath him, “Herbivores, no public displays of affection or I’ll bite you to death.” A certain demon snarled.

“Oh get over yourself Kyoya! Face it you’re just jealous! People display affection to others all of the time so why are you specifically targeting us?” Fuu yelled back as she stood up.

Immediately Hibari latched onto her and Yamamoto feared for her safety but was swept away in a horde of fangirls.

“Hibari let go of me!”

Immediately Fuu was slung onto the couch and pinned down by tonfa, “You assume I’m jealous? What of herbivore, you’re mine. You belong to me and that will never change.” His lips slammed down onto Fuu’s in a vicious kiss that was more like he was trying to eat her face.

“Hibari…” She whispered as they broke the kiss.

“Shut up herbivore.”

Taming of the Namimori Demon 2 (Hibari Kyoya Drabble Series)Where stories live. Discover now