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Third Person POV

"Shu! Shu! Hey! Hey Shu!"

The albino boy sighed at the pestering, he turned over to his side to meet his bright best friend, Valt Aoi, who was trying to get his attention. "Yes Valt?"

"I'm just so so so so so excited!!!!" He screamed, jumping so high in the air practically almost reaching the ceiling.

"Yes, I know, you've said that for the 100th time" Shu chuckled although that didn't stop Valt's bustling excitement. "Shu we're in OUTER SPACE. And going onto a NEW PLANET! HOW CAN I NOT BE EXCITED?!"

"Well you could be less excited." Shu rolled his eyes, getting a whine out of Valt. Just then, footsteps were heard across the hall, one by one, and following them was a shout "Yo guys!!"

"Honcho!!!" Valt waved, running over and pulling him into a tight hug. "I can't believe we're in OUTER SPACE!!"


The two started squealing in excitement as Shu stood there, sighing and chuckling to himself. "Those two would always be the same" he thought with a fond smile..

Although at that moment the room suddenly turned bright red with the screeching of an alarm sounding. All of their hearts dropped as they covered their ears to protect them from the blaring alarms. Panic started to arise from within, it had been no more than just a week and there was already a problem happening.

"AHH SHUUU WHATS GOING ON?!?!" Valt screamed over the alarms, turning to his dear friend with fear engraved in his eyes. Shu took a deep breath and tried to calm down from the sudden alarm. "get a grip of yourself Shu, your friends need you" he told himself as he faced Valt, shouting back "ITS JUST A DRILL!! DONT WORRY CALM DOWN!!"

But before Valt could respond back or try to calm down, a voice came up amongst all of the alarms and said something that made their blood run cold. The voice then kept repeating itself, echoing or reverberating through out the room, or perhaps it was all in their heads. Whatever it may be they all couldn't get the words out of their head, the pure terror from the voice, neither the cries that were heard afterward.

They all were frozen in place thinking about what the voice had screamed,



Oh man woo done. Sorry for such the short prologue! Future chapters will be longer so don't worry! :3

Anyways welcome to Among Us but Beyblade Burst! Just gotten back into writing after not for months hAh- so apologies if my writing is a bit rusty xd

Ima be pushing myself to start writing more again cuz I have lots of ideas I want to share! :D

*mumbles quietly to self* why does all of them have to include murder why can't I just make one happy story smhhh sobs

Among Us is partly planned partly not so it will be made along the way. Don't expect fast updates, just got back into writing and still making it along the way.

Anyways ig this is the first story for this account, was planning it to be Mafia but oh well this came along ¯\_()_/¯

I'm planning to finish this story to the end, may take a while or may not who knows. This could also be seen as a starter story to get back in ig cuz Mafia will be my def main one but until then ima be working on this to get back into writing. Cuz when I say I'm just getting back into writing I rlly mean it I haven't written in forever oml hhhhhh

Anywaysss that be all!
Unraveled Lies out!- Oh wait- I'm not Unraveled Lies anymore I'm Unraveled Lie xD
Anyways cya until next time!

Also how do u like my cover? :'D

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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