Chapter 2: Hogwarts Express

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I've always loved riding the Hogwarts Express. Mother always said it was a "Right of passage" for new witches and wizards. I always sat nestled into my corner of the seat and read one of the new fiction books I've found at a speciality shop in Diagon Alley - written by a wizard who wrote for the Muggle world as well.

Sitting in my seat, the train purring beneath me as the wheels rumbled on the bridge, I hear a smiling voice say, "Maggie! I've been looking everywhere for you!" I was embraced in a hug before I saw the face of my visitor, and the immediate smell of mint and vanilla let me know it was my friend Petunia, a fellow Hufflepuff. "I've been dying to ask you.. did you get asked to help tutor this year?" She sits on the seat in front of me, her legs crossing under her as her robe fills the seat around her. Her brown eyes smile in the dim lamp of the train.

"Yes." I smile as I close my book; shoving the receipt I use for a bookmark between the pages. "Professor Snape asked if I could help this year with Potions. He said many people are struggling with third year potions and since I'm so great-" I roll my eyes "-he thought it would be a great idea for me to help."

Petunia smiled, "oh hush! You're so smart! You're dead first for head girl! Don't worry about it."

"I'm sure I'll be stuck with someone dreadful." I sigh as I sit up a little straighter. I hear the trolley come bounding up the hall of the train and my stomach rumbles.

Petunia laughs and pushes out conversation to the rubbish. She stops the trolley help and says, "Two chocolate frogs please!"


Back at Hogwarts, the first day of school is always a celebration. We have a huge feast and it's a hit with the first years - some of which is their first time ever seeing magic folk other than themselves. The Sorting Hat awaits eagerly at it's post and assigns all our new students to their prospective homes. Something that they love, and even I do to this day, is the enchanted ceiling of the great hall.

The ceiling looks identical that it does outside, the stars shine and the moon's craters look almost new.

After the celebration I found my way back to the dormitories. Something I love about them is we share a room with four girls. I never had any siblings growing up, so it was such a great way to get to know fellow peers and have friends. The Hufflepuff rooms are embellished with soft yellows and black. Our four poster beds are enchanted and if we close the curtains - we are in a soundproof square. It's really nice for studying.

My belongings were already upstairs and I sat down on the silk yellow comforter. I pull out my school schedule for this semester. I start out with Professor Lupin for Spell Casting grade 3, and end my day with Potions Grade 3 with Professor Snape.

When I first started at Hogwarts, they used to only assign us classes with our houses; but they decided to make us more United and cohesive. They have decided to intermix our houses with classes.

I was beat. It's been an incredibly long day, between the boats, the train, and the feast. My belly was full and my head was heavy. I dropped down into my bed after sliding in my robe over the hook next to my bed and fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of the good that will come to me this semester.


At 6 am sharp, my alarm clock meowed. That alarm clock being Millicent. She pushed her head against my cheek until my groggy eyes opened and she sat there, brushing her tail side to side. I looked around the room, the pale light from the windows brushing in as the sun arose. I yawned. I felt sticky. I need to shower.

"Good morning Millicent." I whisper, keeping quiet to but bother my bunk mates. I give her a scratch on her chin and her purr seems to vibrate the bed.

Grabbing my clean robe and outfit for the day, I crawled out of bed and padded down the hall to the common showers. I turned the heat all the way up while Millicent hopped up on the sink to watch the steam gurgle up towards the ceiling.

I let the hot water flow down my body and into the drain. I lathered my hair and my body with soap and I have to say; this may be the best shower I've ever taken.

When I was done, I scrubbed my teeth with my toothbrush and muggle toothpaste (the best kind of you may ask) and slipped into my Hogwarts uniform. I pulled my hair up until a high pony and threw my dirty, worn clothes down the Chute to the laundry. I picked up Millicent, she's a drama queen if her paws get wet, and walk out of the bathroom.

I came back to my bedroom and placed Millicent on the bed, "Now, you have to stay here today." I say. She gives me a look of disappointment. "You know how it is," I sigh, "I need to make sure it's okay if you come to class with me. Tomorrow okay?' Millicent bobs her head in agreement.I roll my eyes at her.

I grabbed my messenger bag with my books inside, it had been enchanted by my mother so all of my books, weighing 30 lbs or more were confined inside, but only weighed about 3 lbs. it was a great enchantment if you ask me.

I slipped through our door and into the common room, it was early enough that most of the school was still asleep in their dormitories.

I walked down the stairs, careful to watch my steps since the stairs above me were continuously moving. Once I made my way down, I opened the door to the corridor.

First years always think Hogwarts smells great. But since it is just one big old castle - Hogwarts smells like burning wood and pine trees. A soft morning breeze blew through the courtyard and the trees rustled. Out the window, I watched in the distance the Ravenclaw team stick in an early morning practice. Around the corner I turned, and I passed the great library. It was already bustling with students getting last minute books.

The bell chimed marking 7 am. Charms does not start until 8:40. With a growl, my stomach notified me that I should probably eat something for breakfast, because if I don't - I won't eat until supper.

I round the corner into the hallway that leads to the great hall. Since breakfast was served buffet style, there wasn't much commotion in the great hall. There were the typical groups of students who are always early for breakfast in Gryffindor. I walk up to the front where they had the food laid out. Normally this is where the professors would sit during dinner. I dropped my messenger bad at the head of the hufflepuff table, which was mostly empty. I picked up a china plate and piled my plate with fresh fruit, toast with jelly, and a boiled egg. I filled a goblet with orange pineapple juice and walked back to my table.

Upon approaching the Hufflepuff table, I noticed that my messenger bag was gone. Thinking nothing of it, I sat my plate and goblet down on the table and glanced beneath the heavy oak table, and with no sign of my messenger bag I huffed and instinctively put my hands on my hips. At that moment, I heard giggling and I knew I was in trouble.

I flipped around to the table behind me that happened to be the Slytherin table, and I see the most awful person has my bag open and is laughing. Draco Malfoy has a leather bound notebook in his hand with "Maggie's Diary" embroidered on the front in his hands. He is laughing with Pansy and Crabb - I am mortified. "I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts to see all of my friends." Malfoy says in a singsong voice, "Awe! Poor little half-blood has no friends!" He laughs evilly, and looks at Pansy. "This year - all I wish is for little Draco-" he hisses his own name "-to leave me alone, he's so mean. I think he could be-"

"Hey!" I yell, rushing around the table up to the Slytherin house table, cutting Draco off and snatching my book out of his hands, "That is not yours to read." I glare at him. "What the heavens is wrong with you, Malfoy?"

"You just left it out." He says, smiling, "I did nothing wrong - my father always says I should read more books."

"Not people's personal books Malfoy!" I cry. "What is wrong with you!" Malfoy laughs now, along with the two of his friends. I glare at him, "You are evil. I hate you." I sneer.

"The pleasure is all mine." He smiles and winks at me. I stare at him as he turns to face Pansey, and he puts his hand on her shoulder and leans in to kiss her, like he's trying to prove a point. I spin on my heels and walk away, ears reddening with anger. I leave my plate on the table, and I walk out the doors of the Great Hall, the clattering sounds of plates and joyful talking behind me - I walk back towards Charms.

Note to self, stay out of Malfoys way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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