Leah Pipes

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1. Aurora
Whether it's a Disney thing or OUAT or whatever. I think she would make a good Sleeping Beauty.

 I think she would make a good Sleeping Beauty

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2. Snow Charming daughter (OUAT)
-Autumn Swan
The daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Emma's twin sister that she never met. They got split up when Pinocchio left with her. (Pinnochio was only able to take one and chose blindly).

Autumn was a wild child. Her and Emma are a lot alike. Autumn was able to get a degree with all of Pinnochios stolen money. On her 28th birthday, Pinnochio finally tells Autumn about Emma and how her family is from the Enchanted forest. She looks for Emma and finds she has already been brought to Storybrooke.

She goes under the alias of a psychologist and helps Emma break the curse. Her and Emma very close fast being that they are a lot alike. Autumn has a very good relationship with Henry.

She's more accepting and forgiving of Snow and David than her Emma.


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3. Quinn's sister (Glee)
-Madelyn Fabray
Quinn's older sister that she mentioned.

She takes Quinn in when she's pregnant after their dad kicks her out. She's tough and dislikes her parents. Used to dislike Quinn but sees that the Glee club has changed her.

Big supporter of Glee and adds to their funds.

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