Chapter 1: My Normal Life

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(Creator):this story begin before Mahiru meet Kuro (SleepyAsh).

(Brother name): WAKE UP SlEEPYHEAD! You already late for school you know.

You stated to woke up and doing your daily morning routine as usual. You lived with your parents and your brother. You actually came from wealthy family. Your parents are really kind and nice while your brother is kind hearted boy but sometimes tsudere to everyone that he cared like you and your parents.

After you finished your breakfast with your family.
You started walk from home to school because your school is very close to your home.

As you were arrived at school,you saw Sakuya,Mahiru Ryusei and Koyuki.    

(Your name):Hello guys.

Mahiru:Oh hi (your name)-chan.

Sakuya:Hi (your name).


Ryusei:What's up (your name).

(Your name):Im good. Thanks Ryusei.

And then, your class started to began.Your life at that time was very perfect. But before that, the teacher introduced someone in front of the class. Its a girl. She look so preety and beautiful. Her name is Yuna Kuroki.


Teacher:Ok Yuna-chan, you may sit behind Mahiru.
Teacher:Mahiru can please raise up your hand so Yuna can see her seat.

Mahiru:Ok teacher.

*During lunch break*

She started to approched and introduce herself to you.

Yuna:Hi, my name is Yuna Kuroki. Nice to meet you. What your name.

(Your name): h-hi. M-my name is (your name) and nice to meet you too Yuna.

*(your name) pov*

(Your name):Wow,she really nice. I'm sure we are gonna be a best friends one day. Today must be my very lucky day. ^_^

Then, you invited her to join lunch with your friends. (Mahiru,Ryusei,Koyuki and Sakuya)

(Your name):Hey guys, can Yuna-chan join us?

Mahiru:Sure it would be great.

Sakuya:Yeah, I agree with Mahiru.

Ryusei:Yep me too.

Koyuki:That a great idea (your name).

You was sitting in front of Mahiru and next to Sakuya while Yuna was sitting next to Mahiru. You and the others saw Yuna was only friendly to Mahiru. You actually dont care at  all. Suddenly, Sakuya whispered to you.

Sakuya:Hey (your name). I want to talk with you for a while.

(Your name):Oh ok.

Sakuya lied to Mahiru that we are going to take a walked after we finish our lunch. And Mahiru noded yes and start talk again to Yuna.

*After finished your lunch*

Sakuya grabbed your hand to rooftop and leave the other behind.

(Your name):Hey Sakuya can you stop grabbing my hand? Its too tight you know.

Sakuya stayed silent until you and him reach to the rooftop.

Sakuya:Hehehe...Sorry (your name).

(Your name):Its fine, but promise me you never do that again ok.

Sakuya:Ok (your name). Anyways do you feel strange at Yuna.

(Your name):Nope. Not at all. Why?

Sakuya:But I feel (your name). She look like she have been falling in love to Mahiru.

(Your name):Wow,really. That great.

Sakuya looked at you while you was smiling with your eyes close. But before he tried to something to you, the bell ringing. You immediately ran to the class followed by Sakuya.
Then, the class sterted to began again.

*Sakuya pov*

Im already plan to say to (your name) more about how Yuna react weird to Mahiru but the bell ruined everything. I better follow (your name) to class before im late.

*After school hours*

(Your name):Hey Yuna do you want to join us walking to home.

Yuna:I'm sorry (your name). My parent already plan to pick me up from school everyday.

(Your name):Oh,its ok Yuna. See you tomorrow. Bye.

Mahiru:See you soon Yuna.


Koyuki:Bye bye.

Ryusei:Um ok, see you later Yuna.

On the way that you was walking with your friends you felt like there are someone watching from behind but you ignored it. And that is her.

(Creator): Im very sorry because the story was very looong. And also please comment if i have some mistake and grammar error.

(Creator):Oh,and last but not list. You,your friends and Yuna were ate at canteen not at rooftop. That all for today bye.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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