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 Did you had one of those days when you just don't give a fuck about anything, just want to lie down, go to sleep, but then realize you have to wake up from your dream because you need to go to school, well...this is one of this days.

 Another boring day at school, you didn't really like school, you'd normally be alone in some corner in class pretending to listen to your teacher, but you're just listening to your favorite band on your very hidden earphones, everyday is just the same and you really hate it, you seek adventure, excitement, do something worthy. You stopped daydreaming when your friend poked your back, to get your attention.

You: What is it? -You turn to face Akaashi, really pissed to be interrupted in your deep thoughts-.

Akaashi: Teacher is glancing at you, you should listen before you get in trouble.

You: Well? thanks but i don't care.

 Akaashi just muttered some cursing and you turned back to listen to your music, Akaashi is your one and only best friend in this school, in fact it took a lot of time to realize that he opened up to you, but when you did realized, you trusted him to the bone, he knew you've been sad lately by all the nothing happening around you so he invited you to go to one of his volleyball practices, he thought this could cheer you up, he doesn't know WHY that would cheer you up but he thought he could try, actually you didn't think it was a bad idea to change the atmosphere sometimes, you were actually hopeful this could help a little. Again something snap you out of your thoughts, and it couldn't be worse than the sight of your pissed off teacher who hit the table right into your face.

Teacher: If you're not going to listen you should get out of my class NOW.

You: fine. -You were relieved not to hear him anymore but a tiny bit guilty when you looked at Akaashi before leaving, he seemed disappointed, but i can't blame him-.

 As you closed the door behind you, between corridors you glanced your sides, and in a fraction of seconds a gray-haired man made eye contact with you as he passed by, you didn't know why but you just couldn't take your eyes of him, you felt electricity, connection, and it got you somehow, you felt the wind on your face as he was almost gone, you were still staring at his back, you came back to your senses when the students left the classrooms and it was already lunch time.

Akaashi: You're still here? -Startled, you look at Akaashi behind you-.

You: Yeah....i just...

Akaashi: Come on let's go -He grabs your wrist and takes you to the cafeteria-.


Akaashi: So you're coming to the gym later, right?

You: Of course, can't wait to see some muscles and sweat dripping -You fake excitement, although you really don't think that's a bad thing-.

Akaashi: Stop that, try to enjoy.

You: I can try?, just kidding i want to see you play, see for myself if the rumors are really true.

Akaashi: What rumors?

You: I don't know??? it must have something? like you being the best setter, i'm pretty sure this is already a fact, but i still want to see.

Akaashi: Why haven't you seen any of my games?

You: I just didn't think about Volley or other sports, i'm a lazy person you know...

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