I know i just posted

10 2 15

But. Imma put a video up there.

People are abusing animals on tik tok. Like, bitch what the hell are you doing!? If i was to ever get a pet, i would research about it and get what it needs, know how to hold it ect. Also, people are calling people who want to save the animals "Karens" or "Snowflakes" Or "Tik tok vet", so apparently I'm a karen? Just because your abusing your animal and I want to save it?

My knowledge on animals may be small, but i'm hoping to expand it. I adopted my cat, any longer and he had to be put down. It saddens me to see the world in such a state, and honestly, I want to leave it and never come back.

A/n: I learnt about cats from google and my mum, who has two cats

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