Tinted Green #8

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If I was being honest, living with Aria was surprisingly fun. It was like having a sister, even if that sister was annoying and peppy. We did homework together, ate together, walked together. We were friends, and that was nice.
And, I've been talking to Delton a lot more. He's down to earth like me. I can tell he's obsessed with Tara.. I mean he can do whatever he wants I guess. I don't see it though.

~That day~

"As promised, we will be put in groups today. You may each pick one partner and then I will combine you all."
I look at Aria. She looks at Tara. What? Who am I supposed to be partners with? The only person left was Dylan.
I cant believe Aria is friends with Tara even after I told her how rude she was..

"Aria and Tara will be with.. hmm.. Dylan and Milly and Dexton and Camdon." We all look at eachother.. Me and Dylan awkwardly walk over to Tara and Arias table. Dexton and Camdon are already there.
"Hey ladies gents and non binary individuals" Tara says while chewing gum.
"Hello. Alright I'll sit next to Aria and Dexton." I quickly spit out to avoid Aria sitting next to Tara.
"Ok! Sounds good." Aria responds.
"Ok class now that you're all in your groups you'll get your first project. It's a lab, about how teenagers function alone. On Thursday this week you'll be going camping with your group for about 3 nights." Miss Chelly explained. Holy crap. How the hell does this relate to science? I'm terrified...

~That night~

I was playing minecraft bedwars when Aria walked into my room crying..
"Milly help. HELP!" She screamed.
"What the hell is wrong?!" I was confused.
"I wrecked Tara's sweater!! She's gonna kill me! What do I do?"
I slam the door in her face and hear her tears from behind the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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