Lettuce Go to Chaos Land

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Kirsten: For the last time Jia, my name is Kirsten not Kristen!

Jia: What's the difference?

Kirsten: ...Can I just call the Teen Titans in?

Jia: Who the heck are they?

???: (Cough cough) We're on live

Kirsten: Wait, really?

Jia: Oh yeah, we are

Kirsten: Cut!

Five minutes later...

Kirsten: So, how do we make a grand entrance?

Jia: I can use you as a snowboard!!!

Kirsten: No. Just no

Jia: Whyyy? (Does puppy dog eyes)

Kirsten: I have a reputation

Jia: What reputation?

Kirsten: (Pushes Jia off the chair)

Jia: Ow

Kirsten: Did I do that? (Sarcastic)

Jia: You're no fun

???: Wait, is it my cue? (Falls from the ceiling)

Kirsten: No! Cut! Let's just start this from the beginning 

Jia: Okie

Another five minutes later...

Kirsten: Hello everyone

Jia: Hai

Kirsten: My name is Kirsten

Jia: And I'm Jia

Kirsten & Jia: And we're writing a Truth or Dare fanfic!

Kirsten: I feel like a cringey girl who wears pink bows and smiles all the time

Jia: But that is what you do

Kirsten: I loaf pink

Jia: Shut up about puns already!

Kirsten: Fine. I loath pink

Jia: Anyway

Kirsten: This includes you guys to suggest truth or dares in the comment section for The Hunger Games Characters. It can be any character, even the ones we aren't officially playing with

Jia: We will choose a few weekly 

Kirsten: (Facepalms) That is not what you do

Jia: Sorry, I'm used to being famous! (dramatic pose)

Kirsten: Well this is Wattpad. And also, LET'S TRY AND KEEP IT PG THIS TIME (cough cough to my fellow Teen Titans Truth or Dare hosts)

Someone off-screen: No one wants to read about you guys arguing!

Kirsten: Ok, back to how to get all the characters here

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