The Chase {Chapter 10}

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Before I start this chapter, I want to address that this chapter will have a slightly different writing style. Thank you for understanding, hope you enjoy!

(Tendou's P.O.V)

Running away, looking back Ushijima was chasing me. What could he possibly want now?
*huff, puff* 'gosh what could he want now?' Tendou thought while being worn out from running. "What do you need Ushijima." Tendou said in a tired but stern voice.

(Ushijima's P.O.V)

After chasing Tendou down to apologize, he suddenly stopped and asked what I needed. Pausing for a moment, I replied sincerely. "Look, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I hasn't noticed till now." I said sighing lightly. I could see that Tendou grinded his teeth. Oh gosh.
Raising his voice he replied to my apology.

With tears forming in his eyes, Tendou replied to my comment with "Do you even know how much pain you've caused me? Haha, Wakatoshi you'll never understand."

With those words, I began to rethink everything. There was a slight pause. Somehow it felt like the world collapsed on top of me. I didn't know how to reply.

(Tendou's P.O.V)

Clenching my fists, I stayed silent. It stayed that way until Ushijima raised his voice. His eyes were wide, the mood suddenly changed. As Wakatoshi opened his mouth to say those few words.

"Tendou, I'm really sorry. I was lied to. This is a sincere apology, so please accept it." He bowed to me after. Was this actually sincere? But, what I know is that during that moment my heart stopped. Was what I felt guilt? No, it doesn't seem that way. I sighed. 'I probably shouldn't hold a grudge.'

(Ushijima's P.O.V)

Still being bent down bowing towards Tendou, I heard those few words that filled me with relief.
Though it wasn't the answer I was expecting, it still filled me with joy. These strange feelings made my heart clench.

"It's fine. I forgive you, I guess."

After I heard those words I ran over to hug him. The guilt that built up inside me was finally let out.

(Tendou's P.O.V)

Ushijima ran to hug me, surprised I gasped. 'Why is he grabbing on to me so hard?! Is he that happy? Or is he trying to kill me?!' Hesitantly, I hugged him back. 'At least I have my bestfriend back.

(3rd person P.O.V)

"Wait! I'm gonna be late to my class!" Tendou said frantically. "Classes already ended, you slept too long and our conversation took pretty long as well." Ushijima replied in his average regular stern voice.

Tendou sighed, and went back into the building to get his bags to go home. Ushijima offered for Tendou to come to the cafe near his house with him. Tendou agreed and went to the cafe together.


Thank you for making it to the end of this chapter, also thank you for so much love on this story it means a lot to me. This is a really early update so I hope you enjoy! -Author

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