Chapter 31

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Gibbs:* walks out into the hallway and waits*. Abby: cleans up and comes out. Gibbs: *grabs her hand and walks her to the bed.* Lay down. Abby: yawning. Gibbs: lays down before pulling her down next to me. Sleep abbs. Abby: sleep sounds good
Tony: watching TV. Gibbs: rubs her stomach. Abby: slowly falls asleep. Gibbs: falls asleep after making sure abbs are asleep. Tony: hey how's Gibbs doing Ziva. Palmer walks into the room and smiles* before going downstairs and getting the bucket and some Gatorade. Ziva: do you want me to call him for you. Tony: Yeah. Ziva: calls Palmer
Palmer: answers. Ya Ziva.
Ziva: Tony wants to talk to Gibbs.
Palmer: Gibbs is asleep. He was awake earlier taking care of Abby.
Tony: ok call later. Palmer: ok bye tony bye Ziva. Tony: bye *goes back to his TV*. Gibbs: bolts awake before covering my mouth.
Gibbs: looks for the bin before throwing up in his lap. Palmer: put bucket on the bed in front of Gibbs and the Gatorades on the nightstands. Gibbs: grabs the bin before lurches forward with a gag. Palmer: rubs Gibbs back*
Tony: sleepily watches TV. Gibbs: groans before shoving his head in the bucket and puking. Palmer: rubbing Gibbs back*. Gibbs tries to be quiet so he doesn't wake Abby. Abby: snoring
Tony: asleep. Gibbs: gets up and goes to the bathroom before throwing up loudly. Palmer: you ok Gibbs. Gibb: is to busy vomiting to answer. Palmer: waits for Gibbs. Abby: wakes up and hears a commotion. Palmer: waiting outside the bathroom for Gibbs. McGee: I think he fell back asleep. Ducky: sleeping soundly. Abby: hey Palmer is that Gibbs. Palmer: Yeah. Abby: you know you can go in. He's just puking. Palmer: I know. Abby: he doesn't like being sick alone. He wives use to make him take care of himself
Gibbs: crying as he's being sick. Palmer: sorry didn't know you can go in then. Abby: um I'll end up joining him but ok* walks into the bathroom and rubs his back*. Palmer comes in to help Gibbs forgetting your sick as well. Abby: rubs his back and pales as he vomits heavily. Palmer: I got him Abbs you can go back to bed. Abby: nods before running to the bucket and puking. Palmer: rubs Gibbs back*. Gibbs: go to Abby she's throwing up. Palmer: you sure. Gibbs: ya I'm ok *swallows*. Palmer: sure. Gibbs: nods before heaving. Palmer: I'll wait a bit. Gibbs: sits back and sighs I'm ok for now. Palmer: ok. *goes and sees how Abby's feeling. Abby: still vomiting. Gibbs: groans before lurching forward with a productive heave. Palmer rubs Abby's back*. Gibbs leans forward and pukes. Palmer rubs Abby's back and watching Gibbs a bit*. Gibbs leans forward and burps. Palmer: feel better after that Gibbs. Gibbs: *blushes* burps again and nods. Sorry. Palmer: it's ok at least you feel better. Gibbs: nods. Abby: vomits again
Gibbs hears Abby puking* tries to block it out but fails. Lurches forward with a heave before puking multiple times* groans*. Palmer: need anything. Gibbs: shakes his head before vomiting again. Groans* before curling into a ball and crying. Palmer: you good Abby. Abby: nods*for now *. Palmer: ok try to sleep I'm going check on Gibbs. Abby: nods
Gibbs: curled in a ball hyperventilating*. Palmer: hey Gibbs it's ok shh calm down. Gibbs: tony tony tony* starts gasping for air*. Palmer: hey it's the ok breath I'll call him. Gibbs: tony tony*cries I want tony* still struggling to breathe. Palmer: calling Tony* breath Gibbs to take a breath. Ziva: answers Tony's phone. Yes, what's up. Palmer: Gibbs want Tony. Ziva: well Tonys sleeping at the moment. Gibbs starts to see black spots in his vision* panicking. Palmer: Gibbs breathe don't faint breath breathe Gibbs. Ziva: what is going on over there Palmer. Palmer: Gibbs is having a panic attack. Ziva: why didn't you say so. *goes over to tony and wakes him up* tony Gibbs needs you. Gibbs: C Can't breathe* cries*. Palmer: Tony's getting the phone. Tony wakes up what*grabs the phone. Gibbs, I'm here love. Tony: Gibbs your ok I'm here just breath. Tony: Gibbs what's wrong. Gibbs: can't b breath. Tony: just calm down take a breath. Gibb tries to take a deep breath but hiccups. Tony: Gibbs try again. Gibbs: takes a deep breath before puking in the toilet. Gibb: groans before vomiting again. Tony: you feeling better*goes to move more to his back*. Gibbs: groans before passing out. Palmer: *hangs up on Tony and calls 911 while trying to get Gibbs to respond*. Gibbs: *throws up while passed out and starts choking*. Palmer moves Gibbs to his side and pries open his mouth. Gibbs: still choking. Palmer: *stinks fingers down to help bring up anything*. Gibbs: coughs before bolting up and puking*ow. Palmer: pats Gibbs back. Palmer: you were choking on vomit *cancels 911*. Gibb: what did you do?.Gibbs: oh ok. Thanks* vomits again*. Palmer: no problem. Gibbs: groans before vomiting again. Palmer: chemo really hates you. Gibbs: there's something stuck in my throat. Palmer: you want black stuff or what. Palmer: charcoal it's what hospitals give overdosers. Gibbs: ok but I didn't overdose. Palmer: let's just see if you can get it out over time of throwing up a bit. Gibbs: ok groans. Keeps gagging*.  Palmer: at least Abby is finally sleeping. Gibbs: *nods before gagging repeatedly*. Abby: sleeping soundly in Gibbs bed
Tony: trying not to move to his back. Ducky: asleep on the cot in Tony's room. Gibbs: I feel sick but can't throw up. Palmer: sorry hope it passes. Gibbs: I really gotta be sick tho. Abby: try sticking your fingers down your throat. Palmer: that could work. Gibbs: Abby are you doing something you shouldn't.  Abby: no. Gibb: good you had me worried.  If you don't like that kind of stuff I suggest you look away. Abby: yawns and lays back down still feeling tired. Gibbs: I warned you *sticks fingers down his throat *Lurches forward with a heave. And then continues dry heaving for 10 minutes, before throwing up heavily 8 times. Palmer: stays with Gibbs. Gibb throws up 5 more times. Palmer: hopefully you got it up now. Gibbs: gags before vomiting. Gags rapidly. Palmer: pats Gibbs back. Gibbs: can't throw up anymore. Gibb: still feel sick. Palmer: ok need anything. Gibb: anything that will make me sick so I can feel better. Ducky: wakes up and gags. Tony: sleeping
McGee: sleeping. Ducky: groans before throwing up on the floor. Ducky: sorry* throw up again*. This flu is beating my butt. Ziva: trust me it beat everyone's butt. Ducky: nods before grabbing the bowl and heaving over it. Tony and McGee wake up due to ducky heaving.

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