Chapter 11

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A/N: I think the story is going by exceptionally well, though there was around six chapters of the same day. sorry about that. anywho, let's get to the story

Caitlin's POV

The next morning i finally woke up, at around ten AM. Wow, for me, that's really sleeping in. I sat up and stretched my arms over my head, letting out a big yawn.The first thing i noticed was that it was quiet. One of those blissful silences you'd only experience once or twice in your life. I could here hushed chirps of birds in the background, with the occasional car tires against slightly wet pavement. No one was in sight or ear shot. I guess everyone left. Odd, because this isn't even my house.

I slowly got to my feet, rubbing the sleep out of my drowsy eyes. "Might as well rummage through the fridge for something to eat." I said to myself, I mean it's only Matt's house, he won't mind, right? I go up to the shiny fridge and lazily grab the handle, and pull it back. I wander my eyes on the shelves, until I came upon a note. I grabbed it and read it over twice.

"I knew you would target my fridge, you pig. There's not enough food for a breakfast, so you'll just have to eat lunch at the studio. Be there by 11 AM  


Great, i was hungry and had only half an hour to get ready. There was horrible traffic today, and considereing people were already christmas shopping, so the roads were packed full of cars.

I slammed the fridge and ran to the door, grabbed my black and grey striped cardigan and turned towards the door. Great, another note.

"Hey! don't forget to lock the damn door! -Matt" I giggled at this. I looked around and realized, i didn't know where the hell his keys even were. Oh joy. I start to swiftly walk around his house, looking through drawers and cupboards, searching for the key. I ran back to the door, and i heard a quaint jingle in my cardigan pocket, I cautiously reach my hand into my pocket, to find the silver house key.

"It would've been nice if you told me" i complained to myself. I ran out the door, and locked it. I kept messing up beacause i was in such a hurry. I sighed angrily. "There's no time to get ready! i'll just have to go straight there." i said to myself. "eh, i bet i look fine, they'll just have to deal."

I zipped to my house, And quickly ran into my house. i wiped my running makeup with a piece of damp tissue paper, layered on some deodherant, grabbed my car keys, and ventured onward. I hoped into my car and sped down the road.

Matt's POV

"She's late for the recording of backseat gaming" Lasercorn sighed angrily. He ccrossed his arms and slumped in his seat. Him and Caitlin were scheduled to do backseat gaming together with Mario Galaxy 2. Though it wan't the usual game we would do for that segment, it was something fun.

"Give her a break, She had a rough night. I bet she's on her way right now." i reassured him.

"Gee, i hope so." He said in an annoyed monotone voice. He rolled his eyes at me. Geez man, did you not drink any caffeine today?

The door flung open, Revealing Caitle ( I just can't get used to that nickname), Her hair slightly messy, her clothes dishelved and bags under her eyes. To be honest with you, it sorta suited her. I'm not saying that's how she should dress, it just didn't look bad on her.

"Sorry, but i'm here now, and i'm ready to record." she said, in a slightly drowsy voice. She should her head and shifted her hair a bit. "Let's do this, David!" she smiled. How in the world did she wake up so fast?

A/N: sorry about the chapter, if you didn't like it. I really wanted to update but i'm being rushed. Beleive me, things are gonna happen next chapter. So, sorry again about the filler chapter D:

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