1: Mist, the monarch of Sphadus

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Ah yes. Sphadus. The kingdom of shadows, eternal night and...incredibly bioluminescent plantlife. For all of your life, mentions of the dark, magical land were rich with amazing tales; talk of bustling markets, full of amazing smells and curious townsfolk; impressed whispers of the grand obsidian palace in the centre of the kingdoms capital, Kiserfe city; awed voices talking about the trees that reach the stars, and the native animals living to similar scales of height.

Finally, you would get to see it with your own eyes. After saving up for years, you recently secured the ownership of a small cottage in the residential sector of the capital city itself. Being prepared for such a big move alone was no easy task- why, you feel sure that the rattling in boxes behind your carriage seat is smashed plates and mugs, broken by your poor packing ability.
Before you had even begun to venture onwards, the carriage driver had handed you a book; the pages now wide open on your lap. It seems to be, from what you can gather, a collection of folk tales gathered by the townspeople. One is standing out to you especially- rumours of a strange, lanky creature with glowing eyes breaking into bedrooms at night to chew on the resident's limbs, fleeing only when they wake up and realise.
"I'll just have to buy some better locks, then." You mumble to yourself, before closing the book and gazing out the window. You're certainly in the right kingdom now: there's not a trace of sunlight in sight, and as you crane your neck to see as far as you can see of the sky, there's a barely visible outcrop of rock, floating above the gleaming stars. Are they even stars? You can't quite tell, but they certainly seem that way.

About an hour or two pass, before the carriage stops at the end of a winding stone street. The driver opens your door with a grunt. "Yer house is that'n."
You nod in reply, and take care stepping onto the path (you really chose the wrong shoes for today, didn't you?). Almost as soon as your feet touch the dark stones, a taller man runs up to you. A tiefling, or some similar race from what you can see. You can't quite tell whether his large, curved horns make up an illusion of his height, or whether it's the length of his legs. With a fanged grin, he reaches out a large, gloved hand, and you hesitantly shake it.
"Adler." he introduces himself, "Pleased to meet you, Y/N!"
"Uh. Hi." you reply, slightly suspicious. "How do you know my name exactly?"
"I'm the guy hired to help you move all of your things into your house. The royal court arrange it for anyone who's moved from out-of-kingdom, and they selected me to help you!" He grins wider, if it's possible at this point. "I owed a favour to the royal 3 anyways."
You slowly nod in acknowledgement.
"So! You go and unlock your house, iiiiits..." he gently lifts your arm and makes you point to a cottage at the end of the street, "THAT one there. I'll start getting the boxes out, and you can come grab the lighter things when you've looked around a bit, if thats alright with you."
"Sure, sure." You begin walking towards the small building, pausing for a moment to wrestle with the front gate. The latch seems a bit rusty (you make a mental note to try and get that fixed), but eventually the old painted wood gives way to let you in.
The garden is...far nicer than you expected it to be, with the exception of a large, dead blackberry bush in the far corner. The path towards your front door is decorated with tiny cyan mushrooms- and you're far enough from a streetlamp to see that they're glowing faintly. The grass gently sways in a magical way, with no breeze to possibly be pushing it side to side. You get closer to the front of the cottage, and notice a note on the stepping stone path in front of the door. As you pick it up, a small unexplainable shiver runs down your spine. The letter reads:

Dearest resident,
Congratulations on your cottage! You must be proud to own such an adorable home in such a beautiful city.

("Well, whoever wrote this seems nice so far." you think)

I heard you were from out of kingdom whilst listening in on some neighborly chatter in the market. Why, so am I! Which kingdom do you hail from, Insominius perhaps? That would be a strange coincidence, my family began there too!
Now, I must warn you, sometimes the townsfolk don't take nicely to outsiders at first. You can hardly blame them, really, things around here have been tense for a while- why, the stress began shortly after I moved nearby. They warm up to you eventually, though. I'm sure you'll make some good friends- I would start with your moving assistance, myself, Adler is a wonderful person to conversate with.

(How did they know Adler is helping you? Even you had only just found it out)

I'm assuming you've heard some funny stories about the local cryptid. Funny sort of fellow, to break into homes for a nibble on someones hand. If you wake up to the sensation, try not to hurt them, will you? The neighbors are fond of the thing, they treat it like one would treat a popular household pet. Like one of the dogs you see on the animal page of the newspaper.

(A bit of a strange way to phrase it, but you feel almost glad for the small amount of help)

Now you really must get back to unpacking. I imagine you have a lot to do, so don't keep Adler waiting! He might go on about being strong, but he's a bard by trade and has barely any muscular ability to speak of.
I hope to meet with you soon.

The letter ends, with no name or signature to sign off. You look at the writing one more time with a slight frown, fold it up carefully, and put it inside your pocket. You'd look at it closer later, with a mug of your favourite hot drink.

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