episode 1: forming teams

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Welcome to the show I'm the host
FIrey: who are you
Bruh anywAy your 1st challenge is to form teams there's 16 people so form 2 teams of 8 and the last 8 people to get there team is up for elimination GO!
Eggy: leafy wanna be in my team?
Leafy: sure but if firey comes to
Eggy: fine he can come
Tennis ball: basketball and golf ball join my team
Eggy: four join my team
4: uhhh ok
After the teams were chosen
Ok so I'll say who lost 4 eggy leafy firey firey jr gumball Darwin Nicole they are up for elimination
Type [A] to let leafy eliminated
Type [B] to let firey eliminated
Type [C] to let 4 elimanated
Type [D] to let firey jr eliminated
Type [E] to let gumball eliminated
Type [F] to let Darwin eliminated
Type [G] to let eggy eliminated
Type [H] to let Nicole eliminated
Voting ends October 8th 9:41AM
Firey: I feel like I should talk to leafy
Firey: hey leafy
Leafy: hi firey! What you doing this night
Firey: I don't know what about you
Leafy: nothing I'm just a leaf
The next episode coming out October 11th

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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