Ch. 5 hope ur still keeping up losers

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Laurens felt his blood rush to his face and was once again frozen in place, this time in the middle of the bathroom doorway.

"Oh, sorry,"

"It's fine, come to think of it I haven't seen you much today. Have you been avoiding me?" Alex's accusation was said with amusement and John was sure he didn't mean it seriously, but it was true. He contemplated revealing this to Alex, now wondering if perhaps he already knew.

"No, of course not!" Laurens faked a smile he was sure wasn't very convincing.

"You weren't in any of the classes we have together and I texted you about getting lunch and I never got as much of a response" Lil John could tell that Alex was upset. He had to come up with an excuse and he had to do it quickly.

John sighed. "Do you really want to know the truth?" He asked, nervously.

"Yes, please!"

"Well, I didn't want to tell you because it's been stressing me out, but... I'm behind on homework, like, really really behind. I've spent most of my time this morning in my dorm, making up missed assignments. And I haven't been able to answer your texts because of the same reason. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner!" John was stammering, and he felt terrible for lying, but it was true that he was behind on homework, so it wasn't really lying. And even if it was, it was for a good purpose, right?

Alex sighed sympathetically, "I can relate, homework sucks," Alex put his hand on his shoulder. John stiffed up at that but immediately.

"The coolest people slay guys, they slay the day away." Said John impulsively.

"Kinda strange but you do you ig my bro," Alex said eating the pickle he just pulled out of his pocket.

Heeeeyy bestieessss we're back. We know it's been literally two years but the wait is finally over. I hope that all of our devoted fans are still following and keeping up with sour plentiful updates. We'll be sure to update again in two more years

XOXOXO, ur wormies 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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